Chapter 1-Ocean Eyes

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Wattsons POV:
I'm walking up to the drop ship,As I'm walking in scrolling through social media,I see clips of a 1v3 I managed to pull off that Apex Games posted on their Twitter.I was really proud of that fight,I never doubted myself.But as I was staring on the replay I bumped into someone "I'm sorry ami,im sorry" I say as I looking up to see a tall man.

Cryptos POV:
I turn around to the very pretty voice I hear,I see a small blonde girl with blue eyes,I stare into her eyes..those ocean blue eyes I could stare for hours.Confused on what ami meant I reply "Ami?" "Oh friend it means friends" she nervously says. "Mm" I reply "Sorry about that,was my fault" she says I'm still staring into her eyes "You have beautiful eyes.." I blurt out realizing what I said I look away and back at her blushing. "Thank you.." she reply's,I notice she's blushing.Announcement interrupted the stare "All legends are to be at the drop ship within 5 minutes"  "Oh I uh,we should go" she says nervously as we walk off in silence.As we are walking her hand bumps mine I blush and don't even look at her.

Wattsons POV:
I accidentally bump my hand to his and I look up at him to see he's blushing,awe he's kinda cute.We make it into the drop ship,I sit next to Wraith as we wait to arrive to Kings Canyon. "So who was that we walked in with?" Renee asks "Oh uh I actually didn't get his name I had just bumped into him,he's actually kinda cute.." I giggle as I tell Renee. "Mm he is..did you talk at all?" She adds, "well yes I was apologizing for bumping into him but all her asked was what "ami" meant,and he told me I had beautiful eyes" I say to Renee, "oooh I think he's into you" she lightly bumps her elbow to me and smirks.

Cryptos POV:
I watch her as I'm lingering around alone in the drop ship,should I go over to her?I never did get her name..I see her get up and look around the drop ship she locks eyes with me and walks over "Hey ami" she says smiling, "Hey.." I say nervously. "I uh never got your name..?" She laughs nervously "Oh it's Crypto,and you?" I say to the blonde "Natalie..or sorry Wattson" she says and smiles. "Nice to meet you Natalie" I smile at her interrupted by the announcements "We have arrived at Kings Canyon"

Narrators POV:
After the games Wattson on a team with bloodhound and Wraith placed 4th,Crypto with Caustic and Pathfinder places 6th.

Wattsons POV:
We all load back into the drop ship after the games,All chatting for the 30 minute flight back to the complex.As we all leave the drop ship Crypto stops me, "Hey Natalie,so Um could I take you out for lunch later?" I look up at him flustered "..oh yea.yea yea of course Crypto,What time?" He pulls out his phone looking at the time "4 o'clock?Sound good?" He says looking at me "Sounds great" I smile at him he smiles back and walks off. Oh my god..did he just ask me out I say whole internally screaming UGH he's so cute too!

Cryptos POV:
Woah..I can't believe she said yes..she's way out of my league.And her eyes I can't stop thinking of her eyes.There so pretty,it's like looking into an ocean.I walk to my room stoped by a cocky voice "So I saw you asked Natalie out,hey man she's all yours let me know when your done with her tho,I'd like a turn with that beauty" "Excuse me?She's not a girl toy,Back off.I don't want to see you even look at her" I growl to the man "Hey dude your the new guy if anything you shouldn't be talking to her,I had dibs on her." He says with a cocky voice "Back off" I say pushing the man "DUDE CHILL OUT" he says pushing me back "AYE AMIGOS?what's going on chill out?" Comes a Hispanic male with metal legs, I punch the cocky man "Do not speak of her like that" I punch him again,the Hispanic male gets between us pushing me back away from him. "Amigo chill out,come on mirage" he says as he takes this "Mirage" as they walk off,angrily I storm off to my room to forget about this and get ready to go out with Natalie.

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