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Fred and George:OUR TEACHERS ARE MARAUDERS!!!Greg and Feorgr were screaming at the top of there lungs(or lower than President Mic)The Class then yelled SHUT UP
That got the twins quiet
Sirius: ok let's play a little get to know you game,You will start be saying your name house Dream jod and if your in a relationship or not
The Golden and Silver Trio's mind:Oh no
Sirius:ok I will go first: My name is Sirius Black,My house was Gryffindor,My Dream job is to fight in the war and be an Auror,and Yes I'm in a relationship with my Beautiful fiancé Remus lupine
Harry:Your getting MARRIED and you didn't even tell me!!!!!!
Draco:Harry calm down
Remus:I'm Remus Lupine,I was a Gryffindor, I would like to be a teacher or an Auror and fight in the war, you already know I'm in a relationship with Sirius.Harry you go
Harry:Fine,I'm Harry Potter,I'm a Gryffindor,I want to be an Auror to and I'm in a Relationship with a person in this class
Harry:Fine Fine,I'm dating Draco Malfoy
The Class except the Golden and Silver Trio: What!?!?!?!?!
Harry: yeah all the Gryffindors already new
All the Gryffindors except the Golden and Silver Trio:Let us have our moment
Harry:Ron your turn
Ron: uhh ok,I'm Ron Wesley I'm a Gryffindor,I'm not sure what I would like to do for work and I'm in a relationship with Blaze Zaben(I don't know how to spell his name sorry)
Class except the Golden and Silver Trio:What
The Golden and Silver Trio:Shut up
Blaze: I will go now,I'm Blaze Zaben
I'm a Gryffindor and used to be a Slytherin I don't know what I want to do with work and you know who I'm dating, Pansy go
Pansy:Ok Ok, I'm pansy Parkinson same as Blaze I want to work for magical creatures rights and I'm Dating Hermione Granger get over it Hermione go
Hermione:I'm Hermione Granger I'm a Gryffindor I also want to work for the rights of magical creatures like House Elf's and werewolves and you know who I'm dating Draco your turn
Draco:I'm Draco Malfoy I'm a Gryffindor used to be a Slytherin and you know I'm dating Harry
Fred and George:I can't wait till mom finds out about you Ron
Ron:If you tell here I'll kill you
Gred and Feroge:We will see about that won won
Ron:How many times do I have to tell you to stop talking about That!

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