Chapter 6 - Heroic Will

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Chapter 6

Will’s POV

I don’t know what is really happening right now, I am a little confused. One minute I am watching a movie with a beautiful girl who is shy and a little standoffish and the next minute I am trying to help her with her friend who is passed out. I am not sure what happened to her friend, but the concern on Leah’s face shows she is a little worried.

Leah wanted to take her friend Niki home, she looked as though she might just need to sleep it off. So I offered to take her into my room and put her on the sofa, so she could sleep. To be honest I was being a little selfish, I didn’t want Leah to leave yet and I wanted time to get to know her a little better.

I picked up her friend and carried her into my room and placed her onto the sofa. Leah walked over and kissed her on the forehead before joining me on the bed. This girl really did intrigue me, all night she has barely spoken to me, sat silently throughout the movie without moving. But the compassion andconcern she has for her friend is beautiful, it is something I haven’t seen in quite a while.

Leah looked at me once she sat on the bed and said “Well, I guess you have got me for a while longer now” and then she burst into tears. I put my arms around her shoulders and brought her closer to me “It’s all going to be okay.”

She was crying into my shoulder, it was difficult to understand what she was saying as the cries got louder. I rubbed her back and stroke her hair, which smelt like coconut and continued to tell her that everything would be okay. She started to calm down a bit, I loosen my grip on her and lend over the grab the tissue box next to my bed and passed her some tissues. Even with red blotchy eyes and running mascara she was still beautiful, so sweet and innocent.

She looked up at me withtears in hereyes and said “No, everything is not okay” “Why” I asked. A tear ran down her face as she looked at me and said “I think James put something in Niki’s drink tonight.” I was stunned, it was not what I was expecting her to say. “What do you mean?” was all I could get out. She continued on and said “Niki only had one alcoholic drink tonight and it was the drink that James gave her” “She doesn’t remember anything after she finished the drink”

The tears started streaming down her face again, I pulled her close to my chest and said “Please tell me everything.” She took a deep breath and said “I didn’t say anything to you Will, but when I found Niki” “James was on top of her and she was completely passed out.” “I screamed at him to get out, and that is when I ran downstairs to the kitchen where you found me.”

No way, I thought to myself I will not have some guy come into my house and treat women that way. I looked down at Leah who was resting her head on my chest, I pulled her off me slightly and said “Who is this guy James?” she replied “Niki only met him a couple of weeks ago while out clubbing” “I have only met him a few times, I never really liked him.” She obviously is a very good judge of character. I get up of the bed and say “Show me which one he is” I pull Leah to her feet and hold her hand as we walk downstairs to find this James guy.

I am so angry right now, I don’t know how any guy could do that to a woman. When we get downstairs, I say to Leah “Point him out to me!” We walk into the living room and Leah points to a guy with short blonde hair, a little shorter than me and he was wearing a fancy suit – obviously trying too hard to impress.

I let go of Leah’s hand, walk straight over to the guy and punch him straight in the face. He grabs his right eye and goes down straight away, I have to admit even with the adrenalin pumping it still hurt my fist. As he tried to stand up, hescreams out “What the hell was that for?” Before I get chance to respond I notice Trent, Zach, Jayden and Julian are next to me if I need their help.

Someone has turned the music off and everyone is looking at me, I turn to look at Leah who has tears running down her face. “How dare you come into our house and drug a girl” I shout, everyone is shocked. James says nothing next minute I see Leah running at him, and then punching him in the chest screaming “How could you, you bastard!” I ran to Leah, held her arms so she would stop punching him by tucking her hands into my chest, Iheld her tight to try and calm her down.

As I held Leah, I looked over at Trent and Zach and called out to them “Get this bastard out of here before I either hit him again or get the cops on his ass.” With that Trent and Zach drag him out of the house. Everyone is just staring at me with complete shock, Julian and Jayden look at each other and nod – as though they are both thinking the same thing. Then they both say “Okay, everyone party is now over its time to all go home” Jayden and Julian start rounding everyone up moving them towards the front door and sending them home.

As I walked Leah upstairs she is still upset and holding onto me very tight. I loosen her grip on me and placed her on my bed, kissed her on the forehead and said “I’ll be back soon, just rest”. I walked back downstairs and wait in the formal lounge room for the boys to join me.

Trent and Zach came back first as Jayden and Julian farewelled the last of the guests and then join us in the lounge room as well. When they are all seated, they all turn to me for answers. So here goes “Sorry for the abrupt end to the party guys” I explained the whole story to them, and they sympathise with what happened and had the very same concerned look on their faces that I did when Leah first told me. Then they got angry just like I did, Jayden said “I am going to report him to Sony tomorrow” “We don’t want a guy like that disgracing the record company” “Yeah good idea” all the boys agreed. I nodded, getting up off the lounge.

“If you don’t mind guys, I am going to call it a night and make sure Leah is okay” “See you all in the morning.”

When I got back upstairs into my room, Leah was sound asleep. So I changed into my tracksuit pants and singlet shirt and slipped into bed next to her. I just laid there next to her watching her sleep for a while, before drifting off myself.

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