Phantom to the rescue and the table of discussion

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"Why do you ask Taiga when you know who I am?" He said as he smirked at me; looking like a madman.

My eyes narrowed as my blood started to boil.

" You know what I meant," I said with anger threaded to it.

*Present P.O.V*

Akashi just stared at me now. Eyes blazing with obvious rage.

"I know what you meant, Taiga. And you should know by now that it is I, 'The Emperor,' whom you are speaking to." He stated with a glare.

I felt an icy, cold shiver run down my spine. I tried to look angry instead of fear but to no avail; I ended up quivering under his gaze. Furthermore, I'm hoping for at least one of the others to come and stand up for me.

"Hmmmmm," Akashi hummed while he made a thinking posture, eyes still locked on mine.

"Maybe you should die......" The wind started to cause turmoil. I all of a sudden felt millions of prickles on my skin. Blood easily seeps through it. I gagged as I desperately tried to inhale some oxygen, but it proved to be difficult. Still, in the same position, both my hands are wrapped around my neck. I gazed up at Akashi's eyes and his grin was from ear to ear. Black dots started to appear in the corner of my eyes as they obscured my point of view.

But right before I passed out, oxygen started to flow back into my lungs and the prickles on my skin were gone. I blinked away the black dots and noticed the calm atmosphere. Especially Akashi passed out on the ground and Kuroko over him.

I watched as he lifted Akashi with ease and his right hand over Akashi's face. I notice multiple blue glowing strings appear between Akashi's face and Kuroko's hand. Kuroko gracefully moved his finger as I noticed something coming out of Akashi. It was a ghost, and it's a female as well!!!!

I watched on with wide eyes as Kuroko gently laid Akashi back down with the ghost girl hovering over him. Kuroko lifted the slumbering ghost as if she's touchable and then melted into the ground just like a shadow.

I finally came to my senses so as the others and was at Akashi's side in a split second.

"Yo Akashi you ok?," Aomine asked.

"No, aho, he passed out," I replied.

"I like you to repeat that!!" He angrily replied.

I was about to say something rude to him but Midorima told us to shut up. We all calmed down before Midorima ordered Murasakibara to carry him to the car and the rest of us tailing.

Takao-sensei permitted us to go. I glanced at the school and the fog was no longer there.

I then looked at the front where the rest of my team-mates were as we entered the limo, never once look back but were still out of it. Everything that happened today was unpredictable and new to us that we didn't even know how to react. Now our oh so mighty emperor is unconscious on one of the chairs. The rest of the ride home was comfortably silent as we all thought of the events that unfolded.

As soon as we arrived at a mansion which we call home. Midorima quickly ushered Murasakibara to carry Akashi to his room so Midorima could check up on Akashi's health.

Murasakibara complied with his commands and left with Midorima walking alongside him. The rest just entered through the front where a couple of maids and butlers lined up from the south to north. Greeting them as usual. They just waved at them and ordered them to go and finish off their previous work.

The remaining GOM members are Kise, Aomine, Momoi and Kagami went straight to the basement with Momoi in the lead. They walked down a few hallways till they stood in front of a dead end. The wallpaper was covered with a dark grey hue with picture frames hanging from it.

Momoi stood in front of the wall as she lifted her right hand. Palm wide open and facing towards the ceiling and if anyone looks closely there's a small hand like scanner hidden in the ceiling. It traces every single aspect of your hand and identifies you straight away. A thin long scanner stretched forth from the wall exactly at Momoi's eye level and Momoi's eyes in return glowed.

After that was done, she walked through the wall like a ghost would. Next up was Kise repeating exactly what Momoi did and walked through and that goes for the other two as well.

Now they were all in a big and spacious room. An elongated wooden table stood in the midst. Three chairs on either side of the table and one chair in the centre. Though they all displayed different aspects. Each chair has its unique colour: red, blood-red, yellow, midnight blue, pink, purple and green.

Each member at the time sat in their respective seats. The chairs changed shape depending on the person's comfort. Momoi sat on the pink one, Kise in the yellow, Aomine in the midnight blue and Kagami on the blood-red chair.

They each wore serious facial expressions and Momoi intertwined her fingers together before placing them in front of her on the table.

"Shall we start?" She said. 

Teiko academyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن