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Hinata pulled out the pack of cigarettes from his pocket. A lighter he always kept in an inside pocket really came in handy now, as he lit up the smoking cancer stick and put it between his lips.

Hinata inhaled, sighing at the euphoric feeling. He breathed out and closed his eyes, leaning back on the bench he currently resided on. He found himself in some sort of outdoor mall, a pavilion with tables and strung up fairy lights to his left, and a bunch of vendors on the street to his right.

He took another drag, pulling out his phone to check the time. It was currently one am but the former ginger didn't want to go home yet. He did want to go home to that empty house that was just a shell. No pictures or memorabilia to be seen, just old furniture and the fridge to keep him company.

It wasn't his home. It was his current living situation.

Hinata didn't notice the two toned haired boy walking past him, casting a glance at the spaced out boy and wondering why the greynette looks to familiar. Kenma slowed to a pause, back tracking to study his piercing lined face. Dull hazel eyes met his amber ones and he nearly died.


"Hey Kens. Wanna smoke?"

"...I'll pass. What happened? Since when did you have piercings? Or smoke?"

"Just got 'em. Like them?" The cigarettes or piercings?

"Um... yeah. Why are you smoking? It could damage you lungs and make it harder to play volleyball," Kenma said matter a factly.

"I don't care." Kenma blinked. The shock didn't show on his face but inside he was freaking out over Hinata. The spiker loved volleyball. He slept, ate, and breathed volleyball so there was no frickin' way he just said 'I don't care'. "I don't care about volleyball, I don't care about nationals, I don't care about my lungs, I don't care about my team."

"Kenma! Oi, catboy. Who's your new friend?" Kuroo asked, oblivious to the fact it was Hinata.

"Come on, Kuroo. No chibi-chan?" Hinata inquired while opening his eyes to look up at the rooster haired male.

"Hinata? Shit, when did you get piercings? Tell me this is a joke right? Hinata, the literally sunshine, wouldn't get piercings, dyed hair, and be smoking cigarettes. Twin brother? Fake piercings?" The cat turned to Kenma. "Is he helping you to get back at me for the cake incident? I told you the guinea pig wasn't my fault."

"Nope. Kenma didn't enlist me. And they're real. And it's me. No twin in sight." Hinata said, standing up and snuffing out the cigarette. "Nice talking with you, bitches. Byeee."

Kuroo looked at his best friend with a gaping face. "Don't ask me. I have no idea."

(///-- . --///)

Hinata went back to his house and fell on his bed, not sleeping but not really awake either. The unhappy medium between the two. After a few hours he did fall asleep.

His alarm was being a bitch this morning and rang at full volume right next to his head at six thirty in the morning. Hinata threw his phone against the wall and it hit with a clunk and fell to the floor. Hinata ignored it and burrowed into his blankets further, falling asleep.

Kageyama was fully ready to make a show of him winning the race to the gym to the orangette when he got here. Ten, then fifteen minutes passed and Hinata still hadn't come into the gym. Suga and Daichi walked in together but stopped walking as they noticed the spiker's absence. "Where's Hinata?" Kageyama shrugged while frowning and hit another serve over the net.

"He is never one to miss practice... what do you think happened?" Suga said, completely clueless. "I wonder is he's sick." His mama crow instincts were kicking in an saying something was wrong with his baby. Kageyama and Daichi averted their guilty eyes and looked at the floor. "What. Happened."

"What do you mean, Sugawara-San?" Kageyama answered, an obvious break in his voice.

"You are such a bad liar, Tobio. What happened?" Shit, shit, shit. Sugamama was pissed. You did not want an irritated Suga. Suga was psychotic when he was angry, especially when it was because one of his baby crows were hurt. Kageyama was sweating buckets and Daichi was internally shaking his head at his kouhai's stupidity.

"Hinata was talking bad about the team to Yachi. So we decided to keep him on the team until we make it to nationals then kick him off," Daichi said. "She said he thought we were useless and lazy and didn't deserve to be on a team with him." Suga couldn't imagine Hinata saying any of that.

"Do you have any proof or just what you heard from Yachi?" Suga didn't want to think that his sunshine could have done that but he didn't think Yachi would lie about it either. "Do you think Hinata heard you talking about him?"

"I'm sure he's just sick. Maybe he is just too sick to call and his parents forgot." Daichi said. "Besides its not like he didn't deserve it. He did the same thing to us."

Suga shook his head. I'll wait a few days. If he isn't back by then, I'm tracking him down and getting his side.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Hinata had been up for six minutes and thirty two seconds and was already dialing the guy he met last night. Kai.

"Hey. What's up, Sho?"

"Hey. Can you get me some more cigarettes? And... something else to. Whatever you like." Hinata had finished off his last cigarette and was itching for another.

"Course. That's what I'm here for. Meet up at St. Louis Park at noon? For all of it, it'll probably be about a hundred and fifty. Got that?"

"Yeah. See you at noon, bye." Hinata sighed. It was only three hours till twelve but still. Three hours without a smoke or anything. Hinata sighed again and went downstairs. He wasn't feeling hungry but out of reflex, he opened the fridge. Then the cupboards. It was there that he found a few bottles of booze, specifically a bottle of tequila, whiskey, and some vodka.

Maybe this will help. Hinata grabbed the whiskey and poured a little into a glass. He shot it down and started coughing after. The burn in his throat was painful but... he felt warm and fuzzy. He poured a little more into the glass and instead sipped it, his throat getting used to the burn.

His head felt lighter and he was giggling.

He looked at his phone and saw that it was eleven thirty. "It's time! Yay! Drugs!" Hinata grabbed his keys and wallet, made sure he had more money than he needed and booked it out of there.


*1144 words*
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