Kiss Me on the Mouth

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"Kiss me on the mouth and set me free. Sing me like a choir."

There it is again.

Every night for the past few months I'd hear this horribly sad voice singing around midnight. There were more than a handful of nights I laid in bed and cried for that voice. It broke my heart.

"I can be the subject of your dreams, your sickening desire. Don't you want to see a man up close? A phoenix in the fire?"

And he was; he was my co-star in all of my dreams. I fell asleep every night listening to that voice. I dreamed about the face of the man it belonged to. Every night it was something different, but I knew none of them were him.

Ever since that first time, I'd scoured the internet as well as every tape, disc and record at the local music shop for the song. I'd been frustratingly unsuccessful; nothing I could find was even similar, and I was confident in my ability to remember the song perfectly.

"So kiss me on the mouth and set me free, but please don't bite."

I want to kiss you on the mouth.. maybe you won't sound so sad if I do..

"You can coax the cold right out of me; drape me in your warmth."

"That's it."

I threw the blankets off of me and rushed to the front door, grabbing a jacket and quickly slipping into my boots.

"The rapture in the dark puts me at ease, the blind eye of the storm."

I dashed into the snow, pulling on my gloves as I stopped to listen.

"Let's go for a walk down Easy Street, where you can be reborn."

My breath caught as I realized I could actually hear the voice outside of my head. It was dark outside with the new moon and without any streetlights, but I knew my way around the area like the back of my hand. I sprinted down my driveway towards the frosty gravel road.

"And kiss me on the mouth and set me free,"

I turned left to dash into the woods. The sticks and branches snagged against my clothes, and the freezing wind cut at my cheeks. I knew this wasn't my best idea; it was damn near the dumbest thing I'd ever done. But after these last few months of having my heart broken every single night with this horridly sad song, I just couldn't take it anymore.

"Aah, I'm pulling on your heart to push my luck."

Was this just a ploy to get me there? To throw me into these feelings every night in the hopes that I would come? Because damn it, it worked; I was barreling towards that voice with everything I had.

The forest was dark with just the barest hint of starlight visible through the dead branches. I bulldozed my way forward as fast as I could, and I could hear the voice getting louder and louder. I stopped for the briefest moment to catch my breath and strain my hearing for his voice.

"Aah, 'cause who's got any time for growin' up?"

There. He has to be at the glade.

My feet carried me faster than ever towards my newly discovered favorite spot in the forest. A beautiful glade surrounded by tall rocks. There was a small waterfall that flowed into the pond there, and the thick trunks along the water's edge made perfect benches. There was an alcove inside one of the rocky walls that I loved to sit in, where I'd dangle my feet over the water.

"Kiss me on the mouth...bite."

His voice was echoing around me, forcing me to stop and try to gather my bearings.

"Kiss me on the mouth and set me free."

The words resonated in the air around me, and tears finally dripped down my cheeks. I'd held them back for as long as I could, but I just couldn't do it anymore.

I'm coming. Just wait a little longer; I'll set you free.

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