Chapter 14

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Bad wasn't stupid.

Sure, he acted dumb around his friends and put himself in situations he'd rather not be in. But he wasn't stupid.

The way Good avoided the question was enough proof for him. If he needed to risk things for both Skeppy and Jef to be happy, he absolutely would. However, if his plan failed—

He couldn't guarantee anything. This whole plan was solely made on a hunch after all. Bad felt like he was stuck in a void full of knowledge, yet he couldn't grasp any of it. He could only guess and hope that it was correct...

The mirror was getting smaller.

In order to return, both him and Good needed to put their hands on the mirror. If a time came where the mirror was too small for that, he'd be stuck forever. He honestly had no idea how he managed to figure out something so small, yet so important. If Bad was correct about his assumption it could only mean—

He had time to return.

The mirror appeared to be a little shorter than him the last time he saw it. If that thing had gotten only a few inches smaller in a matter of weeks, he had no doubt he'd be able to go there again before it got too small. He sighed. There was only one thing he needed to focus on right now, no matter how worried he was he needed to focus on the reason he stayed.


He needed to tell Jef the truth.

If Bad had switched with Good without telling him, Jef would've been able to understand that something was off. He'd question why Good suddenly started acting meaner towards him, especially since Bad had been acting kind. Heck, maybe he'd think the whole thing was a troll. Maybe he'd blame himself for believing that he could ever get close to Good...

Bad didn't want that.

He needed to tell him as soon as possible, then focus on trying to get back.

Of course, he knew that Jef would be hurt either way. There wouldn't be a way to stop him from being upset at such a thing. Truth often hurt, it was only natural. The only thing Bad could do at this point was to minimize Jef's pain. He would refuse to leave until Jef was okay enough to be left alone.

Could Skeppy hold on until then?

He sighed. There were way too many risks that he'd need to take. Normally, he would hate doing things like this, betting everything you have in order to achieve something bigger. It was a gamble, a gamble that he was willing to bet on.

Bad was looking at the ceiling of the guest room, despite wanting to, he couldn't move. He felt utterly exhausted, as if he were paralyzed. How long had he been staring at the ceiling again? He couldn't remember...

His thought process was interrupted with a knock on the door.

"Uh...Good—are you alright?"

Bad wanted to respond, yet he couldn't. His throat felt dry, he couldn't talk. After a few seconds, he heard the door open followed by a few footsteps.


All Bad could do was awkwardly make eye contact with him, he looked worried.

"Are you sick or something, pumpkin?"

Bad didn't respond.

"It's almost 3 PM. I wanted to wake you up sooner but I didn't want to bother you so—"

"I-it's alright." His voice sounded hoarse, he was shocked he was able to speak at all.

Jef's eyes seemed to soften at that. Gently, he brought his hand towards Bad's forehead. When his fingers made contact with his skin, Jef's eyes widened.

"Good, you're burning up."

A few seconds passed in silence.

"So...uh—do you wanna go to a hospital or something?"

Bad shook his head.

"Alright then...uhh—does your throat hurt, do you want me to make you some soup?" 

Bad shook his head.

Once again, there was an awkward silence between them. Jef seemed to be thinking about something, then he suddenly chuckled.

"Well, seems like we won't be able to stream today." Bad couldn't help but smile at that.

God, he was so pretty...

"To be honest, I'm not really feeling that well either." Jef sighed. "I have this stupid headache that won't go away..."

At that point, Bad had stopped listening, he was staring into Jef's eyes. He couldn't help but feel lost in them. After a while, Jef noticed and started to stare back. The time they had spent admiring each other felt like hours, but in reality it was merely a few minutes. Jef was the first one to look away, it was easy to tell how flustered he had become just by the way his cheeks had flushed.

"W-Well," he laughed "you should rest for now, just call for me if you need anything...okay?"

Bad nodded.

After Jef had left, he went back to staring at the ceiling.

He couldn't tell him.

It felt irritating, he needed to tell Jef if he wanted to be able to get back to his reality without any regrets. Yet, there he was, getting sick out of nowhere and not being able to move or talk. Well, he supposed he could wait until he recovered to talk to him...or was he just delaying the inevitable? He honestly couldn't tell at this point.

His head was suddenly filled with thoughts about Skeppy. He remembered the first video they had made, he remembered that time when Skeppy had ordered him 72 pizzas, he remembered the trio...

So many memories...some good, some bad. Even though some of those memories weren't the best, they made Bad feel warm. He missed those days, where everything used to be so simple. He fondly recalled the times where Skeppy and A6d would have late night talks with him.

Gosh, he would give all of the money Skeppy has given him up until this moment to be able to return to those times.

In the end, he couldn't. The past was in the past. He wasn't able to change that, but maybe he could change the future. It all came down to what he did at this very second.

"Please, wait for me Skeppy..."

Word Count: 1047

YALL??? 30K??? WHAT???

No but seriously thank you guys so much

Have a good day/night^^

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