Chapter 12

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Groaning, I opened my eyes and rubbed my hand over my forehead. In my temples a pounding pain pulsated and I pinched my eyes together to get rid of the dizziness. Suddenly the memories bounced back on me and I sat up straight. Confused, I looked around and realized that I was no longer in the jet but in a bed. A glance out of the window revealed that I was probably back in New York but I had no idea how I had come here. I got up carefully and tapped through the small room on shaky legs. Something was wrong here but I couldn't say what it was. A feeling of restlessness spread in me and I scanned the room for escape possibilities. There was only one door and depending on who was on the other side, that was not the best option.

I was just about to take a closer look at the windows when the doorknob suddenly turned. I took a few steps back in alarm and eyed the door suspiciously. In walked a petite young woman with red hair and some sort of uniform and smiled kindly at me. " Where am I? And where's Steve?," I asked, eyeing her. " You're at a recovery center in New York City. Captain Rogers is in another room. Don't worry, he's fine," she replied in a clear and friendly voice. " I want to talk to Agent Carter," I demanded, and the perfect smile on her face began to crumble. " That- I'm afraid that's not possible right now," she said uncertainly now and I took a few steps towards her. She looked at me with wide eyes and backed away a little. " Peggy would never leave me and Steve here alone," I hissed and she backed away even further.

Suddenly the door was kicked in and two armed men rushed in, muzzles pointed at me. Startled, I backed away and the next moment I was ready to attack. But in came a third man, dressed completely in black and wearing an eye patch. " Put your guns down boys," he instructed them and sure enough, the men lowered their weapons. " We'll be fine," he added and the two men walked outside with the woman. Suspiciously I eyed him up and down as he closed the door and sat down on a chair. " Miss Davis we have a lot to talk about," he explained and pointed to the bed. Hesitantly, I sat down, but I didn't take my eyes off him for a second. " What's going on here?" I asked in a firm voice. " What's the last thing you remember?," he countered, and I thought for a moment. " The jet, we crashed," I then replied and the man nodded.

"You were frozen in that jet. For 70 years," he then said and my heart skipped a beat. Paralyzed, I sat there shaking my head. " That's not true, it can't be," I countered, looking around the room. " Yes, it is. You're in the headquarters of an organization called S. H. I. E. L. D. We found you and brought you out of the ice. My name is Director Nick Fury," he explained and I swallowed hard. " Why should I trust you?," I wanted to know and he laughed dryly. " I'm not gonna tell you who to trust and who not to trust. But I think you'll be interested to know that S. H. I. E. L. D. was co-founded by your friend Peggy Carter," he replied and I looked at him with wide eyes. " What about Steve?," I continued, and he stood up and motioned for me to follow him. " As my colleague told you, he's right here," he added,

We left the room and suddenly stood in a large hall; it had been a setup. Surprised, I looked around and recognized a second room a few feet away, which had been set up in the middle of the hall. Fury led me to a wall with screens like I had never seen before. Fascinated, I looked around and realized that it seemed to be video from cameras. One screen showed the room from which Fury and I had just come out, the other one showed an identical room, only Steve was lying in bed and seemed to be sleeping peacefully. Without thinking about it, I gently placed my fingers on the screen and just looked at it. " He is still unconscious, but should wake up soon", Fury told me from a little further back and I nodded as if in a trance.

We went back to the room I had woken up in and Fury started telling me what I had been missing for the last 70 years. In disbelief, I listened to him and became more and more amazed. Suddenly there was a loud crash and we pulled up. We exchanged a quick glance and stormed out of the room. The two guards lay unconscious in front of a gaping hole in the wall of Steve's room and he himself was just disappearing through the front door. " Oh really Rogers?," I sighed and ran after him. As I ran out of the hall I was blinded by the sun shining in through the huge windows but I kept running towards a large door. If I hadn't been chasing Steve, the sight of this new world waiting for me outside would have blown me away, but of course this idiot had to run across the middle of the road and almost get hit by a car.

"Miss Davis!," I heard Fury's voice behind me and as I looked back at him he waved to a black car. I ran to him and dropped into the back seat as we drove off with screeching tires. It took us barely a couple of minutes to catch up with Steve and circle him with several cars so he had to stop. Fury got out first and also explained to him that he had been asleep for 70 years. He seemed completely overwhelmed and kept spinning around, staring at the town we grew up in and yet it was so different. Sighing, I also got out of the car as he just turned his back on us and took a few steps towards him. " Steve," I gently drew his attention and he sped around to me. " Oh God Summer," he breathed and was with me in a few steps. He gulped his strong arms around me and pulled me to him tight. " We're going to be okay," I whispered, trying to make us both believe it.

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