Maybe from the title you think this is some Hannah Montana Story, it's not. Trust me. Here's a portion from this story that will explain how un-Hannah Montana this story is. A complete contradiction to any Disney fairy tale ending...
"I can't! I just can't anymore!" I said to myself unwilling to get up from bed.
Normally, any teenager would struggle to get up from bed Monday morning knowing another whole week of school is ahead of them before the weekend hits. Me? I have my own reasons. I haven't exactly been a social butterfly. Or social at all for that matter. Going to school means facing the nasty, popular preps who walk through the hallways like royalty.
This time, I'm going to make things right. It's a new school year, with new people and new first impressions. This time, I won't be known as the shy, quiet girl.
"Hope!" I finally got out of bed when my mom screamed my name. I took out the outfit that I planned to wear today out of my closet and got dressed. Yes, I planned my outfit the night before. The first day of school meant a lot to me.
I jog downstairs, almost missing a step and about to fall flat on my face in the process.
The mornings are the only time the computer is free. Usually, it's hogged by my single mother or my older sister constantly video chatting with her cheerleader friends.
I logged onto my email anxiously waiting for it to complete loading.
Alex: Hey! What's up? I read from the chat box.
One of my best friends, Alex, is always online at this time since she lives in Nevada, the Pacific Time Zone. Being 5 A.M. for her and 8 A.M. for me perfectly fits since she has to go to school early for marching band practice. We've done this everyday ever since we met two years ago.
Alex: Amanda, are you there?
I should have probably mentioned this before. We never met in person.
I met her and a couple of other girls and guys online from social networking sites and we all decided to create a special email group to chat together. Though I've never met her before, I trust her with all my life.
She knows everything about me and going online to that group is the only place where I can be myself instead of being known as the quiet, shy girl. They can see the real me.
She's probably the funniest friend I've met. I'd reserve Harry and Cameron as second place for being the funniest.
Whenever I have bad days, I log onto that email address and they're almost always online giving me a shoulder to cry on. Alex is the one from all my internet friends that gives me the best advice and cheers me up.
Except only one problem, I lied to them about my identity.
To them, I'm not Hope... I'm Amanda. I told them that my name is Amanda. The real Amanda's actually a high status, queen bee at our school.
I even gotton so far that I used her picture as my profile picture.
I'm regretting lying to them, but I don't want to lose the only true friends I can be myself with. I guess that's going to be the only way to find out if they're actually my friends or only talking to me because there's a hot blonde chick as my profile picture.
But I have to do something fast before the real Amanda finds out...

True Identities - (ON HOLD)
Teen FictionI looked down at my phone: 'Cameron: Alright amanda :)' God, I hate being called by that name. Every time he calls me that, it puts me back into reality. That I'm not really Amanda... 'me: Hey, could I ask you for a favor?' 'Cameron: That de...