New world,New Life

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Jungkook *POV*

the day me and my hyungs found out we are inside the comic book.......they wanted to start a new life and forget about our dark past life,I wanted to do it too.....but.....I can't just forget my family and my life there......I admit that I have a awful past but still,I can't just leave mom and dad because I love them………….even when they are strict sometimes. My Hyungs really want me to forget about my past.......I can't say no to them so.....I'll give it a try.

Today is Saturday which means that there will be no school,we are hanging out together,and since my hyungs are tire of walking we are riding a car,while we are hanging out we saw a couple who is crying,we don't know why so we walk towards them in a hurry

"excuse me is something wrong?"-jin hyung

they did not answer but she look at us and we saw blood running down their chest!

"omg! what happen here come miss and sir let's take you to the hospital!"-Jhope

we hurry and bring them to the hospital,while I drive jin hyung is calming them down and stopping the blood from running out.


"nurse! we need a nurse!"-RM hyung said panicking

after RM hyung said that nurses and doctor come out of no where and take to the operating room while one doctor is asking us what happen so we told them the way we saw them.

After a few minutes its sad to say but.......they did not survive,we wanted to stay but the hospital is going to close so we go home while driving home we are silent so I focused on the road,while focusing I saw the same couple we try to save earlier!

"h-h-hyungs.........l-look at t-the road"-I said trying not to freakout

they all look at the road and saw them too,we were so afraid we did not moved then I notice them coming in front of use.

They are now in front of us and we were so scared

"T-thank you,for trying to save us,maybe its our last date. Its time for us to go"-the girl said and so did the boy
"don't be scared to us.....and we live at you're really world too boys,you all are gonna need me someday"-lady

we were so shocked them they suddenly start to fade until nothing is left

"h-hyungs what do they mean we are gonna need her?"
"I don't know but..……did you guys hear what they said?. They live at our world to"-jin hyung
"w-wait,they-the doctor said they are dead,d-does that mean………  when people inside comic book die…they…they will f-fade."-RM hyung



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