welcome to hell

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Welcome to hell Kim taehyung

Ahhhh it going in my mind again and again what should I do now he my boss oh my gosh I didn't know he have company he is rich but whenever I ask he have said no he not that much maybe it not that popular that why ahahhhhhh I don't care I just need any job and I didn't even read the contract like seriously I'm really a stupid well leave it it's not like it's something like he will not let me go right?(let's see) said Tae in frustration

Suddenly he became sad he think about his old the day he broke up with jungkook

When they were in highschool Tae was 18 and jk was 16

They were both standing and jk was sobbing the thing which he heard from his lover the love of his life shake his whole world
Jk-no Tae u can't do this plz
Tae-I'm sorry jungkook I don't love u anymore I love someone else now and he's better than u also and he he he is r-r-ich yeah he rich  so u can leave me u can found someone more better than me
Jk- shut up its jk now for u u cheated on me for some slut u are such a goldigger get the hell out of my sight before I do something and I regret it latter get out.said in angry and shouted on him

Tae- I'm sorry jungkook it's best for both of us . whisper Tae but jk didn't hear it.

For both that day was worst for them they both cried but no body know what they were going through

From that day jk became more cold to everyone he now don't believe in love he believes is only that there is just love for money .

Their both life changes


Tae- I missed my innocent Kookie who love it  whenever I called him by different nickname.i miss u bunny.but it was better for both of us u became better person u deserv much better than me I'm just a pathetic who can't do anything not even fight for my love.im sorry.plz forgive me.
By saying he cried and sleep

As in the with jk he was angry he was just punching the bag with his full rage and have teared manuly bag already

Jk-u can't be fucking came back u will see the real me now kim taehyung which I didn't show to u .u don't even know what u have got yourself into welcome to hell Kim freaking taehyung.
He laugh and then gritted his teeth and as he teared the last punching bag

Jk- order for more punching bag I want it tomorrow ilat any cost otherwise u know in replace who it would be said in cold tone which give shiver to his all men

Jk men's - ye. S. Sir

Jk come out of his secret room and go for fresh up

Next morning

When Tae come in office he was running late jk was already boiling in anger when Tae come all messy he have to run to came fast he knock the door and when he open there jk was trying stay calm cause of angry and the way Tae was looking all messy and  the way sweat was in his face making him look more hot.

Tae-I'm I'm so sorry sir I came late.
Jk-I don't want to listen your trash or your lame excuse u r my bodyguard u should be on time . Do u get that.said jk in cold tone Tae just nod .
Jk-I say do u get that I want ans not your nod I'm boss here Ur are just low class bodyguard who came to protect me fucking hell.
Tae-ye-e-s-s I ge-e-t that sir
Jk- u will call me not by sir
Tae- so what should I call u sir asked in confusion.
Jk-MR u call me Mr u get that
Tae said yes he started thing what should he call him then he thought
Tae-ok sir then I call u Mr jeon j.
Jk- yeah.now get out of my office and bring me coffe.
Tae-but I'm not your assistants call Ur assistant and say to him or her.
Jk- u haven't even read contract I guess such a irresponsible u r it's have been written whatever I say u have to do it without asking why what how.
Now go and bring me I don't have waste time like yours.
Tae-okay Mr jeon j.
Tae went to get coffe .while he was finding he bump up onto someone he quickly appolozi
Tae-I'm sorry I didn't see u coming
??- it's okay I was also .so who r u I didn't see see you here r u New.
Tae- yes I'm new bodyguard of Mr jeon j .my name is Kim taehyung.
Y.g(yoongi)-oh hi my is min yoongi
So Ur his next bodyguard hope u stay more day
Tae-what you mean
Y.g- who ever come as his bodyguard or that person left or that person r gone don't know where and Ur his 100 bodyguard
Tae-WHAT .u mean he really give hard time to his bodyguard
Y.g-yes he does he's father always send him new bodyguard he just torture them very much .hope u r okay and why r u here u should be with him.
Tae- oh my god I forgot can u help can u tell where is coffee machine I have make one for him
Y.g- yeah sure let go I show u around also in lunch time ok
While they were talking jk was burnings in jealousy and he was angry so much that he would kill anyone who would come
So, when Tae come in the office he give the coffe to him but jk

Let's see what he did in next Ch don't forget to vote hi hi I love jealous jeon
So I maybe update little late so don't worry I try to upload fast .till then see you jal ga.(bye)

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