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Aaron went to kiss Haley on the cheek but she slyly dodged it, not enough to make it a big deal but enough for him to notice. She had been pulling away for a while but perhaps so has he, after all he just spent yesterday afternoon watching his young neighbours stream.

"I'll be home around 7, there's left overs in the fridge for dinner but you're on your own for lunch" She told him quickly before rushing out the front door with keys in hand. Aaron bit his lip before looking up at the framed photos along the hallway.

The first few were occupied with both Haley and Aaron smiling happily but as he looked down further he realized how unhappy the both of them started to look. Maybe we needed to spice things up in the relationship? he thought. He still cared for her, so why isn't there that spark anymore? Why do neither of them feel satisfied after being intimate? Hotch sighed before sitting down infront of his computer and pulling up his preferred search engine.

'How to spice up your sex life?'

Multiple articles appeared but he clicked on the first one. He scrolled through a few different suggestions before a couple caught his eye.

'Add in another person'

'Open relationship'

Aaron leaned back in his chair and contemplated how he would even bring it up. It's not like they knew anyone to add in to their dynamic? well, Aaron did but he wasn't sure how Haley would handle it. How can you tell your wife of five years that the new neighbour across the street makes your dick hard? you can't!He groaned and shut the computer off, a little more aggressive than necessary but he was frustrated! Aaron stared out the window for who knows how long but was snapped out of his thoughts as he heard the doorbell ring throughout the house. He reluctantly stood up and opened the door with a less than friendly face until he noticed the young, short, and pretty boy across the street on his doorstep.

"Hi Aaron! sorry to bother you but i have a favour to ask" Spencer said before biting his lip anxiously and rocking on the balls of his feet.

"Oh it's no bother, Haley went to her friends house so i'm home alone" he chuckled "So what's up?"

"I got a new bed delivered today but it's heavy and i remembered when you helped me bring stuff in before" The younger man rambled before cutting himself off and blushing.

"Yeah of course! i can help you set it up as well" Aaron smiled at him. "Come on in for a moment, i just need to get dressed and i'll be right back"

Spencer nodded before stepping in and taking a look around, not even paying attention to the elder running up the stairs. Spencer looked at some of the pictures on the wall, smiling until he noticed Haley in a few of the newer looking ones. He rolled his eyes. He knew she was cheating, he saw her get out of the car with a man multiple times when Aaron wasn't home and kiss him as well. It wasn't his place to tell Aaron but he felt bad.

Spencer didn't even hear Aaron come back downstairs, only noticing when the other spoke up.

"You ready?" Aaron asked, grabbing his own house keys and shoving them in his jean pocket. Spencer nodded and followed him out the door and back over to his place.


"This is a big bed Spencer, no wonder you needed help" Aaron joked. The two stood infront of the brand new king sized bed in the middle of the room.

"Yeah, but come lay down" Spencer flopped down face first on the bed, burying his head in the pillows "it's super comfy"

Aaron laid down beside him.

"You're right, it is comfy. But you live alone, why do you need such a big one?" Aaron questioned.

"Extracurricular activities will take place here" Spencer giggled, wiggling his eyebrows. Aaron felt his cheeks warm up. Aaron looked over at him.

"You should come have dinner with me and Haley tomorrow! she should be home and you guys haven't met properly yet. You're also the only person in this neighbour hood who isn't horrible to be around."

"Ha! thanks, and yeah that will work but i have to be home by 7." spencer agreed. Spencer tried not to visibly cringe at the mention of Haley but again.. it was none of his business.

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