Chapter 19

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"Park Jimin? As in my older cousin Park Jimin? IN PARIS?" I was trying to wrap my head around what Yeonjun had just dropped on me. 

"Yes your older Cousin Park Jimin... Wait is he your actual Cousin?" 

"No my parents were both only children so Jimin's mom is my moms best friend so I grew up with Jimin. He is the only person I saw every year multiple times a year for no reason sometimes, but when he turned 18 I didn't see him regularly anymore." I plopped on the plane seat flabbergasted and frustrated wrapped in one nameless emotion. I guess we were on our way to Paris. 

"Well you will get to see him now. I am guessing you will have to call and set up the meeting?" He was treading lightly and it was obvious. 

"Yes I will Contact him and I guess we can stay in my vacation house in Paris." I was not ready to go back but now seemed like a good time. I didn't want to go back because of all the memories I ad there with Lucas. The past few day I have though of him a lot and maybe I was in denial about my feelings. Scared to fall because I was never sober except with him. I felt like he was just a crutch to escape for a while. Sadly it was too late now. 


We landed in Paris ang got picked up by my house keeper. She took us to the house right away. It was dark and raining so all I wanted to do was sleep.

We reached the house quickly and I looked around remembering everything that happened here. I looked at the wall and started taking all the pictures down. It was still too painful to look at Lucas' beautiful and bright smile. 

"Jewly has anyone stayed here since the last time I was here?" She nodded sadly. 

"Yes Sir Lucas was living here full time. I was told to inform you of a project he was working on in the art studio. For 3 months he had a painter come and work on it for hours." She dismissed herself and Yeonjun pulled me to the art studio. 

"You need to go in and see it. I will be right here if you need me. Okay?" His comfort and reassuring words calmed my nerves. I took ahold of the doorknob with shaky hand and choppy breathing. I was trying to mentally prepare myself for whatever was in that room, but not knowing what is in there made it hard to fully mentally prepare. 

Before I could open the door Jimin had texted me to come out and spend the day with him and his friends. Days and Nights with Jimin called for a ton of drinking but I needed information from him. He sent me a location which was walking distance. I just wanted to sleep but I guess that wasn't going to happen. 

"Come on babe. We are going out." 

"Aren't you going to go in?" I looked back at the door. 

"It will be here when we get back." I pulled him out the front door and down the street. I could hear Jimin laughing the closer I got to the location he sent me. I saw him surrounded by six tall, handsome, and Muscular men. 

"CHIMCHIM!" I squealed running to him and wrapping my legs around his torso and arms around his neck hugging him tight. 

"(Y/N)ie Omg you turned out really beautiful from the last time I saw you." He placed me back down and I punched his arm playfully. 

"Beautiful my ass you were the one calling me ugly my whole life." I giggled and he chuckled loudly. 

"That is just because I was jealous of you having all the good looks." he hugged me again and turned me to the group. 

"Guys this is my baby cousin not so baby anymore. (Y/N) that is Jungkook he is the baby but still older than you. We call him a bunny because of his smile. That is Hoseok goes by Hobi and he is the loudest person ever but the mood maker for sure. Taehyung is the insanely handsome one by Jungkook. He is my soulmate. Namjoon is the tall with deep dimples and glasses. Jin is the other incredibly handsome one standing next to Joon and the short blonde is Yoongi." He introduced me to all of them in a unique way causing me to giggle. 

"Hi am (Y/N) and that is my Boyfriend Yeonjun." I pulled Yeonjun into the group next to me. 

"Nice to meet you all" He exclaimed. 

"Where are we going Chim?" I turned to him and asked in a baby voice. 

"Well I know you can not drink anymore so I thought we could go get something to eat. Have you eaten yet?" 

"No we haven't and we would love some food." I looked around to see where we were standing. 

"Okay lets go to your favorite restaurant then." We all proceeded to walk a block and stood outside a small diner hidden in the city. 

"It has been forever since I have been here. I am so excited." I pulled Yeonjun in and we all sat at a table next to the window. 

"What have you been up to Chim?" I asked him taking a sip from my straw. 

"Well I have been helping with the family Business... which I have a feeling you are here for clarification of that." He raised one eyebrow quiz idly. 

"Caught red handed" I chuckle nervously. 

"Let me see what you uncovered." I handed him the paperwork and circled the one connected to him.

"have you gone and talked to all of these people already" He inhaled and exhaled loudly.

"Yes we needed answer" I squeezed Yeonjuns hand and gave him a peck on the cheek. 


"Yes his dad is Choi" All the boys quieted down and were now listening. 

"You are Choi's son?" Jungkook asked dumbfounded. 

"Yes" was all Yeonjun managed to say. 

"He is dead now" Yeonjun rubbed my hand to comfort me since I was the one who shot him and it still haunted me a little. 

"Okay well (Y/N) your whole life is going to turn upside down in this moment. Are you ready for that?" I closed my eyes and thought really hard about my answer. 

"Yes its time." 

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