Chapter 6

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Pretend everything was fine turned out to be extremely easy Kate said
Kate did everything the same hung out with the divas and pretended everything was fine and then lunch came ragena was dangling Arrin in front of me like she didn't do any damage to our friendship thing Kate said in her mind Kate tried using any excuse to talk to arrin and she even got tutoring from him and then arrin and Kate got in a fight about Ragena and Kate accidentally told Arrin that ragena was cheating on him

The next day was Sunday and me and the divas whent to ragenas house because Arrin broke up with her she said that some guy on the Baskett ball team told him about that she was cheating on him
On Monday I was extremely horrified when Arrin Did not ask me out Kate said in her mind on Tuesday Kate asked Arrin to her little get together at her house The party is on Friday she told arrin and Did not ask Callie or Kyla or ragena to go finally it's Friday and Regena Callie and kyla found out they Were not invited to the get together and Kate told the whole school besides Callie Kyla and Ragena and Ragena got pissed and talk the whole School that Kate killed some guy that's why she was not at school and then...

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