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Osamu was cooking breakfast copping up some fruit. Minding his own business till he felt two strong arms around his waist.

"AH?! Oh it's just you" He turned around seeing it was just Suna and slapped his lightly on the arm. Which he responded with a small chuckle.

"What? You mad at me or something?" Suna questioned. Going on the other side of the counter facing Osamu.

"No. But you shouldn't scare me like that Rin!" Samu said waving his hand that had a knife in it.

"Fine.." Suna said watching Osamu cook. He watched how Osamu moved looking how his muscles flexed in his tight shirt.

Showing off Samu's chest. "I can feel you looking at me" Samu said facing the stove with his back turned on Suna.

"So?" Suna said grinning thinking he's gonna get something, but was so wrong "no." Samu said knowing his husband's tricks and games.

Suna sighed before sitting down and digging into Osamu's amazing food.
SORRY ITS BAD AND SHORT! I had writers block for sooo long and literally couldn't think of anything so please take this till I write something better <3

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