Gonta and the others

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Gonta was searching all over the academy so he could tell Shuichi the new word Korekiyo taught him. Gonta searched all over the academy, but could not find him what so ever. 'Hmm, since Gonta can not find Shuichi, Gonta just tell others about new word.' He thought to himself.

Gonta searched all over the academy and was able to find Kaito. "Hey Kaito. Gonta want to share new word Gonta learn with Kaito!" He exclaimed. "Alright then, what word did you learn?" Kaito asked. "*N-word*." Gonta said. "Woah, whats a *N-word*?" Kaito asked again. "Gonta not sure, but *N-word* is a fun word to Gonta!" Gonta said. Kaito suggested he told more people about the word he learned. Gonta agreed and went to go tell Himiko the new word he learned.

Gonta went into Himiko's lab, and it seemed that she was sitting on the floor doing nothing. Gonta walked in and said. "Hey Himiko, Gonta want to share new word Gonta learn today!" "What word did you learn?" Himiko said as she stood up. "*N-word*." Gonta says. "Is that a magic spell or something?" Himiko asked. "Umm, Gonta not know." Gonta responded. "Hmm, that might be a magic spell im pretty sure. I'll have to test it out on someone." Himiko said.

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