Hawk Territory

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"That was the worst game of hockey I've ever seen!" Coach yelled at us once all viewers were out of the stands. Speak for himself, I actually played well thank you coach. I said that in my head cause who would have a go at our coach, who scared the absolute shit out of all of us.

"Yeah well at least we tried our best!" Jesse shot back at him. Guess I spoke too soon because Jesse is the one that has the guts to stand up to a coach we are all scared of, and then my mouth decided to speak without even thinking.

"Besides it's not like you coach us or anything!" I yelled and everybody just looked at me. I never usually yell at a coach. I mean yeah I yell at our players but that's to help them, yelling at a coach was completely different. 

After the realization of what I just did, I was extremely embarrassed. I yelled at someone who I was meant to respect. I quickly went to the locker room and took off my gear. I got changed into a long sleeve shirt, my grey tracksuit pants and my red hoodie that said Minnesota on it.

I quickly left before anybody could come after me, not even Charlie. I grabbed my bag with all my gear and ran out of the building. I didn't know where I was going I just knew that I needed to get away from there and fast.

I put on my rollerblades and quickly skated away.
After about 15 minutes of skating I found myself at a frozen lake. I was about to take my rollerblades off when I saw someone practicing. I saw the jersey and realized that I must have skated over the lines and crossed into Hawk territory.

I quickly looked away and was about to leave when I heard the person yell out to me.
"Hey! Come back!" I got scared but turned around anyway. I didn't know what to do so I started rambling.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to intrude. I was just skating around because I have had a really bad day and I didn't know where I was going and I'm sorry." I just looked to the ground because I didn't want to know which one of them it would be. They all hated me with a passion so it couldn't be good, no matter who it was.

They skated closer to me until they had to walk in the snow to get to me.
"It's alright. I really haven't been here for that long." He was being nice to me. A hawk? Being nice? Never thought that it would happen.

"Why are you being so nice to me. I mean your a Hawk and I'm from District-5. You're meant to like hate me or something." I still didn't have the courage to look him in the eyes so they stayed planted on the snow in front of me.

"Well what if I didn't want to be mean and hate you. Cause from the conversations we've had I'd say that you're not the type of person to hate." I finally recognized the voice. I looked up from the ground and saw the blonde boy standing right in front of me.

"I really didn't mean to intrude. It's just my new coach doesn't coach us and yelled at us for how bad the game was and then I yelled back and, I ran away. I couldn't deal with everyone just staring at me." 

For some reason I could talk to this kid. He was easy to talk to and he seemed different. I mean yeah Charlie's my brother and I could talk to him and I had Connie but she had her own problems with Guy. 

"Damn your coach sounds like a real jerk. But I mean I don't think he can be as bad as Coach Reilly. If we don't win a game he goes crazy." He tried to cheer me up. And it kinda worked.
"Well at least you guys win games." I said back to him with a smile.

"Hey you've won at least 1 game. And you got 5 goals against our goalie in the first two thirds of the game. I'd say you're doing okay. Well at least better than everyone else." I started laughing and nodded my head along. 
"So do you always train as soon as you get home or?" I start to ask him.

"Yeah Coach Reilly says that we should have got double the amount of goals that we got so he told my dad and my dad made me come train but, we can go to the rink because I'm pretty sure everyone's left by now." 

"I just got here from the rink. I was skating for 15 minutes not even looking where I was going and I ended up here." I say with a smile. 
"But sure, I have nothing better to do."

And with that he changed into his rollerblades and grabbed his bag. We just started talking about random things until we got there. He was right. Everybody had left by now but the rink was unlocked. 

We went inside and I made sure to message my mom that I was okay and I would be home soon so that she didn't worry too much about me. We changed into our skates and went out to the ice.

"So does the blondie have a name or do I just have to keep calling you blondie, or Banks?" I ask with a laugh while we skate to the middle of the ice and I saw the back of his jersey. This is the first time I've actually looked at the name on his jersey.
"I don't know. Does number 98 for District-5 have a name or is she just number 98?" He replied with. So that's what he knows me as. I didn't even know there was a number on the jersey I use.

"She does." I say and take a pause before talking again.
"My names Maddi." I smile at him and look up into his blue eyes. Damn if I could get lost in his eyes I would.

"I'm Adam" He replies with and then skates to the opposite side of the rink. I go to the other side and stand behind the goals.
"Well Adam it's nice to meet you officially!" I yell over to him making him laugh. I start to laugh along until I get an idea.

I skate off the ice and go put my pads on, and then my jersey. I grab my hockey stick and a puck I found in the change rooms. I skate back out and throw the puck out to Adam gaining his attention again.

"Hey Blondie! You wanna do a little one on one?" I ask and he nods. I'm probably not that much of a challenge but it'll be fun. I skate out while he goes to grab his stick. 
"So this is just for fun so no actually injuring each other preferably. And first to 5 wins?" 

We skate to the middle and put the puck on the ice. We hit our sticks together and he hits it first. I quickly skate over to protect my goals and as he shoots it, I grab the puck and drop it down on the ground again. 

"Nice shot. But not quite good enough. Now it's my turn." I say and quickly skate to his end of the rink. I slow down as we get closer to the net and I have to actually think properly. Fake left, maybe fake right and then score. 

And I'm proud to say that it worked and that I got the first goal of the game. I was happy the I got a goal against him even though he isn't technically a goalie. I just smiled and celebrated my goal while he got ready to have another go.

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