Chapter 1:

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Why me? Why did I have to be the one with parents who hated me? Why did I have to have sibling who thought me as an outcast? I mean what's wrong with me? I have a acceptable name, which is Jane, and I'm not horrible looking but for some reason my family hates me. Maybe it's because I'm the only one with fiery red hair or because I don't act like most woman my age. In fact I think that's it I hate dresses and embroidery and all this push posh nonsense lady's are meant to do.

"Lady Jane I have been sent to call you to the parlour for dinner," my maid Mary said. Everyone in the family shares slaves, wait no I don't like that word, we share helpers. Much better but we all get a handmaiden for our own selfish needs as my father likes to say. "Lady Jane?" Mary said again slightly concerned for I hadn't answered her yet.

"Oh yes thank you Mary I shall be down in a minute," she nodded as she walked back to the quarters she shared with the other woman. Actually come to think of it Mary's my age she shouldn't be working so young. Shoot! There I go letting my mind wonder again mum and dad are going to be angry if I don't get to the parlour quickly. I get up from my polished oak wood desk and head down the hall to dinner.

"Ah you're here Jane what took so long," her father Eugene said taking a sip from his drink, which was probably some type of alcohol.

"I got lost in my head again," I replied ashamed. Father growled and mumbled something angrily, that didn't sound very innocent, as mom glared at me and James, Mathew and Cornelia looked at me with disgust. I think again why me? 

"Ugh just sit down eat, and no nonsense talk tonight," Dad added. Now you might be wondering what he means by no nonsense. Well you see I live in a time where the only thing woman are good for is staying at home and doing work no education or going to battle for us unless you want to be a nurse of course. The only way to get education is by being rich, so Cornelia gets to go to school but my parents don't want me getting any more ideas in my head so I have to get Melissa, another maid, to teach me when mum and dad are gone. Dad's a lawyer for the king that's why we're rich and mum just spends the money on dresses and, the worst thing to ever be made, corsets. I shudder just thinking about it.

"Jane, honestly will you listen just for once," I hear my mother saying as I emerge from my thoughts. She continues once she sees I'm listening. "The Millers are coming for dinner so we can arrange a few things," I shudder again the Millers Catherine and John were horrible they always made me feel worthless. Their daughter Katherine (I know they are so creative) is friends with Cornelia so obviously we aren't friends their son however is amazing his name is Nathaniel land he is the kindest soul you will ever see. Him and I hang out when we can make it work and there may be some feelings involved but what ever. So mixed feelings about this dinner tomorrow. 

I look up and see that everyone is gone, I frown I don't remember dinner ending. I sigh as I get up and he'd back to my room, not sure wether to be happy or sad about the Millers coming.


Hey guys thank you so much for reading the first chapter of my second book. My first book is called drift so go check it out! I will try to update as regularly as possible but with school and all I'm not sure how often that will be. 

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