What will they say?!?!?!?!?!

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"Yes, my Dimka, we can go to Baia. But before we plan anything, Comrade we have to ask Christian and Lissa." "You're right, Roza." "I'm always right, Comrade. Now let's go see Lissa." We walked to Lissa's and knocked. "Come in." We walked in. "Hi, Rose." Lissa said. "OH NO! Who let that in." "Who let me in? Well, let's see Lissa just said we could come in you stupid ass."  "Wow! She actually did loose her touch Liss." "Anyway Lissa, we were going to tell you some awesome news but since Christian is acting like an ass, I could just tell you later." "Oh, no! You don't sister get back here. Now tell us the news." Ok here goes nothing. "You may or may not becoming an aunt." "Tell her, Roza." Dimitri whispered in my ear.  "Fine. I'm pregnant. And it's Dimitri's."  "AHHHHHHHHHH!"  Lissa screamed.

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