Chapter 4

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"So you saw Niall at the grocery store..." Alex sighed. She knew the day would come when they would see each other again. They just wouldn't be prepared. a tear slowly trailed down Ashley's cheek, "I should have said something" Alex knew she missed him it was obvious to her. Ashley was always check in his instagram me twitter to see how his courier was going and if he ever said anything that would appeal to her. Never.
"I wonder if he even knew it was me" the thought pondered in her head until she had a headache.
"You know what Alex" Ashley asked. It was about 3:00pm and Ashley was a bit tipsy. "I want a kitty." Alex sighed. Ashley was allergic to cats. "Your allergic" Alex told her. "Oh yeah I forgot" Ashley giggled. This was like Ashley getting drunk when she runs into a problem and she wants to be free for a while. "I need to call my mum. I haven't talked to her in a while. I'll come in here later" Alex sighed. "Okay" Ashley giggled.
"Hey mike" Ashley sighed into the phone as she talked to her older brother. "How are you sis" Michael replied with his deep voice. "I saw Niall.. At the grocery store yesterday" "yeah?" "Yeah"

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