chapter 12- rumors(1/2)

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Y/n's pov

I awoke the next morning by a large mass on top of me and when I opened my eyes I saw a big doberman only a few inches from my face, repeatedly licking me. 

"AH KUROO WHAT THE FUCK WHY-" I screamed, and my crackly morning voice rung throughout the house. Kuroo casually stepped into the doorway, cackling so hard he had to tightly hug his stomach as he collapsed against the off-white wall. The dog jumped off the bed and pranced over to Kuroo, sitting at his side. "Why is there a dog." I repeated, croaking quietly.

"This here-" He sat his hand upon the large dog's head and pet him as he continued "Is Albert." He looked back up with a huge grin while the dog still stood by his side.

"Kuroo, why the hell would you name a dog Albert."

"I didn't name him dipshit." Kuroo said, rolling his eyes and standing up, crossing his arms.

"Well then, who did?" I cocked my head in confusion.

"Mary." He answered boldly while uncrossing his arms. "He IS Mary's dog-"

"Whose mary?" Kuroo facepalmed as he strolled over to the bed and dragged me out of my room, towards the kitchen.

I stumbled down the stair and looked back to him as he said, "The maid-"

"WE HAVE A MAID?!?" Kuroo just laughed as he raced down the stairs.

(a/u: i'm not sure if i mentioned this earlier but your dad in this story is actually a ceo so your family has a good amount of money. your mom never did so when she overdosed and you moved, it was a big change to adapt to this lifestyle. hope this makes sense!)

For breakfast, Kuroo and I made something he called, "Tricky Eggs". He took a deep, roundish container made of glass and cracked an egg. He put the egg in there, and added a bunch of seasonings before putting it in the microwave for a minute. To be honest, they weren't that bad.

I was running late but I still made time to pick out a good outfit. I wore a green pleated skirt with an unzipped oversized black sweatshirt and an oversized Demon Slayer shirt. I threw on my black converse, as usual, and wore winged eyeliner with blush under my eyes and at the tip of my nose. I looked GOOD, but c'mon, when do I not. I skipped around, getting ready and sat in the car with a smile as I waited for Kuroo. My smile slowly straightened as I remember what Lev said to me last night. His voice rang in my head on repeat, "I would never date someone like you!" How could he say that so carelessly. So joyfully. How could he say that with a bright smile as it tore off mine. But it doesn't matter. I blinked and looked out the window, distracting myself from my thoughts and saw Kuroo hurrying out the door with his backpack slung over one shoulder and his attention taken by his phone. He jumped in the driver's seat and set his phone down, turning to look at me. But this time there was no grin, no sarcastic smirk. What the hell- We didn't talk the rest of the way, and I just stared down at my phone awkwardly.

It only escalated when I got to school.

As I strolled through the bustling hallways, heads turned to look at me and stares burned into my back. What was going on? It must just be that I'm the new girl. That has to be it.

I clutched my books to my chest and returned mean stares as I made my way to the classroom. When I got to the classroom, a whole new feeling surrounded me. People weren't lined up to talk to me, instead, they just watched me throw my stuff on my desk and slump onto the chair. What is going on-

The day went by slowly, and nobody really talked to me, except for a few short words with Lev about schoolwork. Lunchtime came and I grabbed my tray and scurried over to Oli and Toshy. There was an open spot to Toshy's right- Kados seat. But today it would be mine. I slid my tray over the table and slid into the chair by Toshy.

For the most part, lunch was pretty normal, the beginning of it anyways. The three of us talked about homework, anime, music, and more. But towards the end an interesting subject came up.

"Hey- y/n? WHen you were hanging out with Lev last night, wasn't he mad?" I had snapped them last night in the groupchat to tell them what was going on so I wasn't too surprised that it was brought up. "Kuroo? Oh yeah, Kuroo was pissed" I looked down at the unappetizing food and let out a loud giggle.

"Oh, were not talking about Kuroo-" Oli leaned closer into the table and stifled a whisper, "We're walking about Kenma-" She backed away with an uneasy look on her face.

"Why would Kenma care if I'm talking to Lev or not? He doesn't seem to care about anything If I'm being completely honest-" They were not making any sense, I grabbed my milk off of the table and unwrapped the straw.

"Well- It seems like cheating."

"Cheating?" I stabbed the straw into the milk and looked back up at Oli, What the hell were they saying.

Toshy spoke up and lifted an eyebrow with a confused frown, "You ARE dating Kenma, aren't you?" 

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