where did everyone go?

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A/n:  ⚠Warning ⚠ if you didn't see the whole series of the alice in borderland you need to watch it maybe this story will give some spoilers...... Mkay bye

|Y/n's pov|

I was getting ready to go to the park cause I was bored since I have nothing to do so I got ready put my hair on a high ponytail and went to the park

I saw three guys running around at the park but then I was rushing to go to the bathroom I had to pee so badly when I was done peeing all the lights suddenly turned off so

I got out of the stall and washed my hands I realized that it went quite so quick so I got confused "what the heck?" I said  I got out the bathroom quickly I saw no one like literally no one " Where did everyone went?" I said to myself

While I was wandering around the city I heard a voice I followed the voice "hello?! Anyone there?!" I heard the voice said that I rushed to that voice and saw a guy "hey who are you?" I said "and who are you" The guy said

"I'm y/n, nice to meet you" I said to be honest I think that is was a bad idea  meeting this guy his hair was blonde and he looked so violent but I ignored it and thought I will not judge so quickly

"I'm karube, do you know where everyone went?" The guy said
"I don't know" I said "come on follow me" He said my brain said to not follow him but my gut said to follow him so I just followed him and a familiar voice said

" Did you find someone?!" And another voice said "no where is karube?" "I'm here! I found someone!" Karube said I was scared but I know I have a pepper spray so I thought I will still be good and then I saw Arisu

He was my old best friend  when we were 14 years old (now your 18 years old) " Arisu!" I said "Y/n!?" Arisu said " Wait you two know each other?" Karube said "what's your name?" The other guy said "I'm y/n, you?" I said "I'm chota" The guy said

-time skip-

It was already night I was so dark cause none of the light was on then a big light went on and it said "Game ➡" Then all of us looked where the arrow was pointing and we saw another light "I think we should go there maybe there's someone there" Karube said

We all went where the light was so when we arrived there we went inside then we saw an arrow again we all looked at each other in confusion and a bit kinda scared but we went there anyway when we looked to the right where the arrow was pointing we saw an elevator and phones and a sign that says " One per person"

We all looked to each other and decided to take one " Well free phones" I said then a girl with a white suit went to chota and took out his id and threw it and then a lazer hit the id and the id had a hole in it " Once you get in you can't get out shibuki" She said

We introduce our selves i walked closely to the lazer one step then I'll be dead " Woah y/n be careful"
Arisu said then a high school girl  appears " Oh thank god I thought I'm the only one left in this world " The girl said then she approach the lazer  "Ahhhhh" The guys and I shouted we thought the girl will die but then it turned out she didn't die

" I'm sorry" The white suit woman said and gave the girl a phone all our phone rang and said " Registration closed there's currently 6 players Game: live or die Difficulty: 3 of clubs " A woman voice said  " 3 of clubs?" Karube said then the woman explained the rules (if you do not know the rules please watch the series first)

then the elevator opened
The white suit woman went in first then we decided we need to go I was really nervous and scared thinking I'm about to die then the elevator stopped and took us to a room that has two doors "live or die" Arisu said " A game this is about to get exciting " Chota said not knowing what will happen

"I'm scared" The high school girl said
" Tch" I said "we need to pick which door" I said then bow and arrows started to appear ( I know it was smoke but I'm making it exciting) " What is this?! " Karube said " Ahh I can't do this anymore" The girl said and went to the live door

A lazer appear on the girls head " Hey get out there it's the wrong door" I shouted to the girl but it was to late the girl already died "di-did she died? " Chota said " We need to get out! " Karube said "it's die! " The white suit woman shouted

8....7 .... 6

We were already in the other side we closed the door and heard the arrows thud "that was close" Chota said " But it was too close we need to be more aware" Karube said " So arisu what's next" I said  " I don't know" Arisu said
" Wait" I said " What is it y/n" Chota said " What if we'll test it" I said " What are you trying to tell us?" Karube said

"Has anyone have a paper or an id?" I said the white suit woman started searching her bag "here I have a thick paper" The white suit woman gave me a thick paper I opened the die door and threw the paper the die door was wrong so we rushed to the live door we passed 2 more rooms (if you didn't know what happened please watch the Series)


" It's the die" Arisu said we rushed to the die door but chota got shot in the leg " Ahh it hurts" Chota shouted we went out the die door again our phone started ringing again and said " CONGRATULATIONS game cleared three day visas " " Visas?" Karube said being confused

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