Niall's Accident

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Enjoy loves xxo

Niall casually does his fist bumb and handshake with his best mate in the bar. The rest of One Direction are out at a movie while Niall went to the pub instead. Niall chugged down the last of his pint and sighed a great relief. He laughed as his mates applauded him for finishing his 5th beer for the night. With a little bit of a stumble Niall got off the bar stool and said goodbye to everyone.

"Aw come on mate, just one more!" His friend cheered on

 Niall wiped his face with his sleeve and waved his hand.

"Nah mate I'm good, this lad has had too much. I'll take a rain check on that one." Niall slurred.

With dissapointment but not much of a struggle, his friends wished him off as Niall slowly makes his way to the doors. 

Niall stumbles on to the cobblestone pathway hiccuping and smirking. Niall made his way to the side of the street, however and tried to haul a taxi. After several whistles and slurred hollering, nobody decided to pick him up. So it gave Niall an awful, awful idea... Niall spotted the black and silver bulletbike he rode to the pub on. Slowly, but surely, Niall made his way to the bike. He slapped on his helment and rode off into the distance.

Meanwhile back at the theater, the boys exited the doors laughing smelling of popcorn and soda. They all talked about the movie almost completely fangirling about what happened. 

"Wow that was great, I just wish Niall had come.." Harry sighed. Zayn patted Harry's back and motioned towards him.

"Yeah, he's been stressed lately, he figured a pint would help." 

"I guess, hope he got home safely, I should give him a call" 

Harry dialed Niall's phone number and waiting for the Irish lad to pick up. The 30 seconds of chance for Niall to pick up was gone and Harry got nervous.

"He didn't answer, can we please go check one him?" Harry whined tugging on Louis's Pink Floyd shirt.

"Alright, alright, babe calm down. Me and Liam will go to the pub, while you and Zayn go to the house and see if he's there. I'm sure he is love, don't fret." Louis finished saying his plan and gripped Harry with a tight bear hug. Almost in tears Harry nodded and walked off with Zayn into his car, while Louis and Liam took their car up the hill to their house. 

Harry and Zayn pulled up to the pub and Harry bursted through the door before Zayn could even brake. Harry turned his head side to side and continued straight into the pub where all his friends were. They were still there drinking and having a good ol' fashioned drinking contest. Harry pushed through panicked and a mess.

"John, Leon, Danny, where's Niall?" Harry panicked. The Irish men hiccuped and pointed out the doorway.

"Ah the wee muff decided to leave early only after a few beers, he headed off for a cab, but I could of sworn I heard his bullet going off."

Harry stepped back with wide cartoon eyes and a horrid expression.

"Oh no..." Harry bursted through the doors without even saying goodbye. He ran full force into Zayn with tears streaming down his tan face. 

"Babe, Harry calm down love what happended?!" Zayn cooed in quite a panic.

"N-Nia-Niall, he left on his bullet bike drunk! He's out driving drunk he's gonna kill himself!"

Zayn's eyes got just as big as Harry's.

"C'mon Harry we gotta go tell the other boys!" 

Zayn grabbed Harry by the arm and slammed the car doors shut racing off in the black Mercedes. Dialing buttons furiously Zayn pulled the phone up to his ear as Liam answered within seconds.

"Babe? Hey what hap- oh god, no no no...Lou!" Liam shouted. Louis rushed up to Liam as he explained everything almost bursting with tears. 

Harry and Zayn pulled up into the driveway running into the house.

"What are we gonna do, he's probably dead!" Harry sobbed. Zayn held Harry on the couch cooing and whispering into his ear.

"Love it's alright, it's ok, somebody probably pulled him over and is taking him home. Let's just wait to hear from somebody."

As soon as the words left Zayn's lips the phone rang. All at once their heads turned as Liam slowly walked up to their ringing landline. Quick, but steady Liam picked it up;

"Hello? Yes this is Liam Payne. Yes I am one of his friends. No mangement is busy at the moment so that's why they probably-. Ok. Thank you. We'll be there straight away."

Liam put down the phone and looked at the boys with misty eyes.

"Niall did get into an accident, a bad one, and it doesn't look good." 

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