Episode 3

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Naegi watched Togami leave, slightly confused. In any other situation like this, he wouldn't be surprised by his leaving. But he had seemed perfectly comfortable with talking about his talent of assassination, and had left when they started talking about something normal. Shaking his head, Naegi picked up his book and went back to his room to read. He would've followed Togami to the cafeteria, but... It seemed to him that he didn't want to hang out for now. However, Makoto had completely misinterpreted Byakuya's actions. It definitely wasn't because he didn't want to hang out with Naegi. It was because he had gotten a weird feeling, almost like he was... Nervous? No, that wasn't it. It was something of that sort though, and not knowing what it was frustrated the Heir to no end. He entered the kitchen with a sigh, scowling when he saw Kirigiri was there as well. Just great. "Something the matter, Byakuya Togami?" She inquired without looking up from what she was doing. "Nothing, I'm fine." He mumbled, annoyed she noticed something was bothering him. "And you're sure of that? I can see through your obvious lies, you know." "You don't know what your talking about." He stated, gritting his teeth. "I know exactly what I'm talking about. You know something, don't you?" "Well, if you're so aware of what I know and don't know, then why don't you tell me?" "It's about Naegi. That's why you were talking to him earlier, correct?" The detective was confident she was right, and that she was. She could tell by the slight widening of the blondes eyes that she had struck nerve. "Oh, is that what you think? Well i'm afraid you're wrong about that." The boy had strength in his voice, but Kirigiri knew she'd cracked that cool demeanor for just a second back there. Surely she'd be able to do it again. "It's foolish to think you can trick me into believing you. I heard you having a most peculiar conversation. Why would he be afraid of you? I could see you weren't armed, and it's not like you're very physically strong. Obviously you know something that could be used against him." "So you were spying on us? Of course you'd do that. You just can't mind your own business, can you?" He hissed, though she saw him visibly stiffen when he heard that she'd seen them in the hallway. "I wouldn't use the term 'spying'. I just happened to be exiting the cafeteria when i heard you ask him to come to the library. At first i assumed you were going to murder him but... Apparently he's your friend. Now, when did that happen? Last time i heard you interact was when you made all that racket in the halls and woke me up." "You... Didn't happen to hear anything from then, did you?" Togami asked. At this point he was worried. Who knows what Kirigiri could do with that information... "No, i didn't hear much of it. But you obtained information that could be used against him that night, but for whatever reason you refuse to actually use it. Why is that? You clearly disliked him up until a few days ago." "I didn't dislike him necessarily, just thought he was ordinary. Boring, if you will." "And now he's suddenly interesting to you? Why is that? He's just an ordinary boy, what reason would you have to spend any of your 'precious time' on him?" "....Like i said before, it's none of your business." "It's plenty my business. Naegi is my friend too, you know." Togami rolled his eyes. "Sure he is. He's practically everyone's friend. So what? he specifically asked me not to tell anyone, so why would you be an exception? If you really want to know that badly, go ask him yourself. I doubt he'll actually tell you." And with that, he took an apple off the counter and stormed out of the room. In his opinion, Kirigiri was too nosy. His anger eventually wore off as he wandered the halls, biting into the apple as he walked. It was a blessing Fukawa didn't find him then, or he probably would've lost it. After a while he found himself back in the library, in the room with all the police files. Which reminded him of why he had even spoken to Naegi today in the first place. In the past few days he couldn't seem to get the 'normal' boy off his mind, and he had thought that it was because out of everyone there, he knew the least about Makoto. He hadn't known for sure what his talent was, as on his profile it only had a question mark for his special ability. And though he said his talent was 'luck', he refused to believe that Hopes Peak would give him a scholarship just for that. Of course, when he did find out, it just backfired on him and made him even more interested. Now he didn't just wonder about his talent, but also his well-being and personal life. Why would he even care about that? As much as he tried, that was a question he couldn't find the answer to. With a sigh, he flipped through the Assassins file again. What Naegi had told him earlier fit perfectly with the files description: Appearance constantly changing, gender unknown, killing style also varies from victim to victim. Admittedly, Togami was more impressed than he had let on to in his earlier conversation. The boy was basically a genius, he just used his smarts differently than most, and he respected and appreciated that. Naegi, meanwhile, thought quite the opposite of himself. Anyone could kill, right? Of course, what Byakuya had said earlier about him 'bringing it to a science' flattered him and all, but the guilt he carried on his shoulders brought down his own self esteem. Even with that, though, he was proud of himself for making it this far. He never imagined he'd still be standing here, a year after he started. He had honestly expected to be on death row by now, yet here he was... Since Togami had offered to pay for his college tuition, he even had the chance to stop this and lead an ordinary life, just like he wanted. Of course, this would mean throwing away the only talent he had... It seemed nothing turned out all good in the end, there was always a price to pay, but living normally would be worth it.... Hopefully it would, at least. For once he actually had a real hope, one that was a real possibility. As much as he told everyone else to stay hopeful, he himself hardly ever had any hope for the future at all. That's why he would always leave that message on the crime scenes. 'Don't lose hope, like I did.' He wanted that to be his message to the world, his 'dying message'. Naegi shook his head, as he didn't want to start thinking about all that again. He remembered he had taken some supplies from Maizono's room after she died, and marked his spot in the book he was reading to go test it out. When he investigated the Idols room, he found that she had some makeup and extra clothing in her room, both of which he could use for a disguise. Not a very good disguise by his standards, but if he ever needed to use it he had it there, and he might as well try it out to see just what he could do with his limited tools. Plus, he found that it was a lot of fun anyways. In the midst of his experimenting with the makeup, there was a knock on his door. If someone saw him like this... "Who is it?" He called through the door, hoping it wasn't anything serious or that required him to open the door to his room. "Its Togami." Naegi was relieved it was just him, as he didn't think Togami would think it was too weird he was dressed as a girl. "Er, one sec!" He thought about quickly washing his face, but then all that would go to waste... With a sigh, he just decided to answer it. Byakuya stared at him for a moment, not sure whether that was actually him or not. "Um..." Naegi chuckled nervously. "Uh, I was just messing around with some makeup I found...." Togami blinked. It looked like he'd contoured his facial features to look more feminine, though Naegi didn't exactly look masculine in the first place. He was also wearing a skirt, an extra one he'd found in the dresser. ".... I see. Well, it looks good on you." The blonde nodded, and Naegi smiled at the compliment and moved aside to let him inside. The room still had a few weapons out, to which Togami raised an eyebrow at. "Where'd you get all these?" The brunette shrugged. "They were hidden when I got here. I assumed everyone's rooms had been decorated to fit their talent?" The taller boy nodded. "Yes, that's correct. I suppose the Mastermind was really hoping you'd use these, huh?" "Yeah, I guess so. But they guessed wrong, so the only use I have for these is self defense." Naegi said as he sat down on the edge of the bed, crossing his legs. The Heir sat next to him, trying not to stare. "So, is it entertaining to change your appearance like that?" He asked. Naegi did look cute in a skirt, he had to admit. "Yeah, it's pretty fun. The only enjoyable part of my job, besides picking out the weapon and traveling there. Enough about work, though, what have you been up to?" Naegi asked with a smile. Togami felt his heart skip a beat. "Mm, not much. I ran into Kirigiri in the kitchen, but that was it." "Oh, really? Did you guys talk?" The boy had assumed that they got along. "Regrettably, yes. She's too nosy, in my opinion." He replied, folding his arms. He felt bad for saying that immediately after, as he could see Naegi's smile had faded into a frown. "Oh, I see. I really thought you'd be good friends, since both of you are so smart and you kinda have similar personalities, too." He sounded disappointed that his two best friends didn't get along. "Well, I'll try and at least be acquaintances with her. She was asking about what I knew about you. I didn't tell her anything, of course, but she's suspicious of both of us now. I'd avoid her if I were you." "She was? Oh, that's not good... You still have the file on me, right?" Togami nodded. "Yes, to make sure she won't find it." There was a brief pause. "Oh, I just remembered I have something to give you." He pulled out a small pepper shaker. "In case Genocider Syo is ever chasing you, you can use this to make her sneeze. Then she'll switch back into Fukawa." "Oh, thanks! Though I don't know why she'd chase me, I think you're the one who needs to watch out." He put the shaker in his pocket, in the opposite one of the pocket with the knife. "I have one, too. I'm worried she'll get jealous that I've been hanging around you for the past few days." He explained, taking the one he had out of his pocket to prove he had it. "Yeah, I guess so." Another moment of uncomfortable silence. "So, is that comfortable?" Togami asked, changing the subject. "Oh, my skirt? Yeah, it's pretty nice. I'd ask if you wanted to wear one, but I think they'd be a bit short on you." He answered with a laugh. "Ah, I suppose it would." He chuckled. Though, he could help but notice how nice Naegi's legs were. His heart started racing again when the boy scooted closer. "Um... You haven't had any lunch yet, right? You must be starving." "Haha, yeah, I guess i am kind of hungry." He got up, and held out his hand to the blonde to help him. "Let's head down to the cafeteria!" Byakuya took his hand, his face heating up. "Yeah, let's go."

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