Pt5: School Dangers

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Meanwhile in the school, ASI soldiers ran in the building, checking on any survivors as Me and Asaka stopped, looking at Jess who fell on her knees, coughing blood. The Matango took a few steps forward, coming our way. However, we notice the ASI soldiers behind him. [ASI Soldier 1] "<Freeze freak!>" One shouted, pointing their guns at the beast as he looked back at them. The Matango turns back to them, snarling and drooling as his tendrils shine as he's ready for combat. [ASI Soldier 1] "<Open fire!>" The ASI soldier said as the rest opened fire at the Matango. Before they did, we got out of the way and into a room as we helped Jess down as she groaned in pain. [Asaka] "<Jess, why did you->" [Jess] "<He's there..I can feel it...Kenji..*gasp* not gone..>" She groaned. We looked back in the hallway as we saw bullets flying by and drops of blood. The Matango slice and dice the ASI Soldiers with his tendrils. Some he would slice their necks, stab through the face with his claws, and some were kicked to the ground. Some limbs flew by as the ASI soldier's screams filled the air for the past few minutes. Meanwhile with Godzilla, Godzilla steps on Hedorah's chest to pin him down and keep him there as Hedorah groaned in pain. Hedorah woke up, noticing Godzilla standing up top of him like a king. Hedorah snarled back at him, telling him to get off. However, Godzilla responds by roaring in his face. Back at the school, Jess slowly walked out. [Me and Asaka] "<Jess!>" [Asaka] "<Where are you going?!>" She didn't respond and kept walking towards the Matango. I grabbed Asaka who tried to run towards Jess without a plan until I looked out the window and noticed Godzilla standing up top of Hedorah. [Me] "<Asaka. Asaka. We have to go.>" I whispered as I pulled her away. Jess walked to the Matango while he was holding one of the ASI soldier's arms in his hands. [Jess] "<Shhhh. It's ok.>" She whispered to the Matango until he calmed down when Jess put her hand on his face. Meanwhile back outside, Hedorah punches Godzilla off him as he gets up. Godzilla was about to tackle him until Hedorah tackled Godzilla first, pushing him towards the school. The minute we exit out of the school, Godzilla breaks the school as Jess and the Matango stand there until Godzilla steps on them, crushing them and killing them for good. As Hedorah pushes Godzilla back, Godzilla punches Hedorah in the mouth as he roared and pulled out his brain! Hedorah stopped once his brain was pulled out, slowly dying. Then Hedorah's eyes slowly fade into black and he stops moving. Godzilla drops the brain and kicks Hedorah aside as he roared in the air for his victory. We looked up as we noticed Godzilla stomping over us and walking back into the ocean and swimming away. I helped Asaka up as we looked at our flatten school. Not much was left of it anyways. Then the screen turned black. "3 days later" it said on the screen before it cut to the forest near the city. An ASI helicopter was flying over it, shining a spotlight around the place until the ground shook. General Suki who was in the helicopter noticed the ground split open as Gojira surfaced onto land. Once Godzilla surfaces, he roars in the pain but not in anger or despar. It was a sad cry? Something must have happened down now that made Godzilla cry but that sad cry quickly turned into anger and a pissed cry. He was pissed. At something or someone as he huffs. The End. (Finished: 3/21/2021) Next episode is Godzilla: Hotlines S1 Ep7: Gigan: Protector or Destroyer?

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