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Athena:Main character (protagonist),idiosyncratic,anti-social;until exposed to the world.Lives with illiberal parents-an only child .'Emerson family'.
Heather:overly-confident,bold,doesn't show many emotions except is miserable most of the time,chooses not to associate with people.
Ophelia:shy,doesn't talk unless spoken to first,self-doubting,part of the 'rosewood' family (royal family) 2 siblings,she is the eldest.
Apollo:part of another royal family,very proud of his inheritance,despises 'non-Royal bloods' because he's taught to,has a twin brother (fraternal)-Orion is his twin brother. 'Frost family'
Orion:part of the 'frost family' completely opposite of Apollo; doesn't care about 'blood purity',parents think he's a 'disappointment',low self-esteem, terrorized by his brother and his rich/royal friends.

Background information:set in-1887,written from Athena's perspective
Genre:Historical fiction
An inside on the royal family.

Quotes:Athena-"we'll all be gone one day and who'll remember us,so what's the point,of anything?"
Heather-"They think I'm alright,as long as I say and act the right way." Ophelia-"Life is just a twisted gone,which you can choose to play,right?"
Apollo-"I wasn't born evil,the world turned me like this." Orion-"It feels like I'm falling and there's no end"

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