Chapter 7

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Taka's Pov:

A love letter? I blushed and the first person who I thought of when I saw this was Y/N. Maybe from us pretending to be a couple she actually caught feelings. That would be amazing because although it isn't what I was going for I'll take it as long as she loves me back

Y/N's Pov:

Y/N: Ow-Mikey! Draken do something!

Draken: Mikey don't throw the ingredients at her, your not getting dorayaki if you do

Mikey: Oh? I thought she wanted to feed Chifuyu

Chifuyu: Thanks!

Mikey: Damn you!

He threw ingredients but this time it was at Chifuyu and Draken made sure to calm him down soon enough. Smiley and Angry we're working on the ramen and it began to smell good already. I worked on the fish and dorayaki at the same time. It wasn't hard but it would have been easier if Mikey stopped trying to help. He lit the pan on fire twice and we didn't even do much of anything yet

Angry: We're almost done

Smiley: It's going to taste amazing! Trust me

He said with confidence and happiness. I felt happy just hanging around them and being reckless. Nothing to worry about, Nezuko played with my hair when I would let the food cook. Draken and Mikey ended up playing dress up, Mikey was the knight and Draken was to no surprise the dragon. Chifuyu said it would be nice because that means they could put on a show while we eat. He's not wrong

Soon the food was done. I added some seasoning and lemon to the fish and packed it separately for Miya. Mikey was waiting for his food in costum and Draken didn't take it off either. Mainly because we all loved his costume and even if he was embarrassed wearing it, we weren't wrong and he took some pride in that

Nezuko: Ooo

Smiley: Enjoy!

Angery: Hmph

He turned his head with some blush at the amazement we had on our face. Smiley hugged him feeling proud that they
made ramen for us and we shared dorayaki although Mikey ate most of it and Draken made sure to add flags for everyone anyway. The ramen they made was good! They looked good to begin with and even though I burned my tongue on how hot it is, I don't regret it because it was just that good

Y/N: What do you think, Nezuko?

Nezuko: I love it, it tastes so good

She said as she ate more. Everyone loved their ramen and we ended up asking for seconds but since we didn't have unlimited supplies to cook we couldn't. The twins looked at each other proud and we all left the school's kitchen laughing and full. I carried Miya's part of the food and made sure everyone knew it was for him and not to eat it. They respected that and didn't thankfully

Taka's Pov:

I got to the location where the love letter told me. No one was here, it looked romantic but Y/N wasn't here. I waited a bit thinking she was nervous and just taking her time. Maybe if that's the case then it would make sense

Miya: Hey

I turned around and saw it was Miya Chinen. Is this all a joke? Did he just pretend to be Y/N and prank me?! Damn that idiot! I shouldn't have believed it but had some hope that maybe she could have actually liked me. I guess I really didn't have change

Taka: What the fuck do you want Chinen.

Miya: Why so sad? Don't tell me you thought Y/N was the one who liked you haha

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