The Lifeless Wolf

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        I stared at the unsympathetic eyes of my wolf stuff animal as I closely listened to my parent's screams echoing down the hallway. "He's an animal!" My dad snarled. "He didn't mean to..." My mom's sweet and concerned voice muttered. "Yeh! 'He didn't mean to' rip the skin of a kid with his teeth! There was blood everywhere Mary!!" My dad hissed. A silent tear ran down my cheek. I truly didn't want to make the kid bleed but, he stole my wolf and my wolf is my only friend... Then, I blacked out until I woke up with my dad pulling me away from the kid and the kid was covered in blood. The worst part about that was I could taste his blood in my mouth and it actually tasted good.. "And now we're the worst parents in the neighbor hood! And it's all HIS fault!!!" My dad raised his voice. I snuggled my wolf closer to my chest. "He can't controll himself! You know that! He's just a kid!!" My mom said. "JUST A KID?! NO, HE'S ANYTHING BUT A KID!! HE COULD'VE KILLED THAT KID! NO! NO! HE WOULD'VE KILLED THAT KID IF I DIDN'T STOP HIM!" My dad screamed at her. "He'll get better..." My mom was interrupted by my dad. "NO I'M DONE WITH THIS BULLCRAP!! I WILL NOT HAVE THAT.... THAT DEMON IN MY HOUSE!!" He said demon with such hatred. I snuggled my wolf closer to my chest, tears streamed down my face. "Jerry don't you dare hurt him!! You're overacting, you're drunk, he's not a demon!" My mom said harshly. "Overacting?! Not a demon?!" My dad harshly chuckled. "Have you seen that thing's red eyes?! Huh? HUH?! Have you seen what it did to that boy over a freaking stuff animal?! What about his white hair when he gets really mad?! HE'S A FREAKING DEMON!!!!" My dad screamed. I cluthed my stuff animal tighter, tears furiously running down my cheeks and chin. "Protect me..." I whispered while sobbing in my wolf's ear. "He's your son don't you dare call him an it!" My mom hissed at him. "My son? Really? I thought he was that warrior's son.... Yeh, I know about that little affair you had!!" My dad yelled harshly. "That's what I thought...." He loudly spoke. I heard loud foot steps coming. I pushed my face into my stuff animal. "Protect me!!" I whispered as tears fursiously ran down my face. "HE'S ONLY FIVE!!!" My mom yelled. The foot steps stopped for a second and I heard a loud "SMACK!!" Then, another "SMACK!" and another "SMACK!!" Then another "SMACK!!" I then heard my mom's body hit the floor with a "THUMP!" Then he started walking again, the foot steps growing louder as he reached my room. I heard my door knob turning but, I kept my face in the stuff animal. "There's the demon!" He hissed like a snake warning his prey he was going to pounce. "You deserve a punishment, I mean you did disgrace your family!" He said harshly. My sobs grew louder as he approached. "Oh, stop crying you baby!!' He said while spitting on my floor. I looked up from the safe embrace of my stuff animal to see a bloody bat. I heard myself whimper and choke back another sob. "Protect me..." I whispered to my wolf. My wolf's cold eyes just stared off into nowhere. He wasn't alive anymore, yet again he was never alive......

        I woke up the next moring with a black eye and a very sore head from where he hit me. I looked at my only friend, his lifeless eyes staring back at me. He had a few stains of blood in his fur but, besides that he looked fine. "Why didn't you protect me?!" I asked him. Like always the stuff animal was unresponsive. I stared at his cold eyes. "You're my friend! I thought friends were a supposed to protect each other!" I said. I imagined him say "Yeh, cause you did a great job protecting me from that kid!!" "Well, I got you back didn't I?!" I protested. When he was about to respond and then my mom came in. "Sweetie get your stuff together, we're leaving..." She blankly said. She too had a black eye and bruises all over her body, but mostly on her beautiful face. "What about Dad and brother?" I asked. "We're leaving them..." She said....

        Author's Note: I've wanted to write this for awhile now. This is the first chapter of the book, I thought I should make this series' chapters shorter so I can get them out more often. So, if you have any questions about the series or about any of the other books just comment or message me.  Sorry I have not written in a while, it's just I'm lazy and I have a lot of other stuff I have needed to do. So yeh..... Well I'll get into the habit of writing again.. Hopefully I'll write more and less stuff will come up.. Maybe I won't watch as much anime, but sorry..... Watch Hetalia if you're old enough it's prett awesome, also watch Soul Eater, Ouran High School, Naruto, and there's so much more, just watch some animes!! Yeh.... welllllll..... yeh.... Must of the time I'm too lazy to do spell check and that's why it takes so long...... I hate spelling...  Happy Easter. Also, I was working on a cover for the book then my computer's internet went down and I lost the artwork so now there is no cover.. Sorry.... Oh I just about cursed when my stupid computer shut the internet down.....  

Bye My Little Cooki3s! -Alycetaz/Awesome Sauce

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