March 18, 2021 8:00 am

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Four teenagers walk up to a school, Hopes Peak Academy, to be precise. Hopes Peak is the best school in Asia, maybe even the world. The only way to get is to be chosen by the school itself. You had to be the best at what you do, and that is what these new students were. 

Shoka Ito, Ultimate Soccer Player. Shoka has played for teams all around Japan and has even played in the Olympics. They are known for their quick speed and hard kicks.

Hana Ito, Ultimate Psychologist. Hana has a psychology degree at only 18 years old. She has a knack for helping others and learning people behavior.

Yumi Penni-Ito, Ultimate Guitarist. Yumi has played guitar since he was 4 years old. He's played shows all across the world. He can actually play almost every instrument, but is known for his guitar. 

And Zan Marsh, Ultimate Lucky Student. You may have heard of this ultimate. Every so often Hopes Peak will chose a random student from across the country to attend. Zan just happened to get lucky getting to attend Hopes Peak with his datemate Shoka and their sister and step brother.

A few minuts later, around 8:10 am, six more students enter Hope's Peak, nervous and extremely excited for the year ahead.

MaCinsea Shiloh, Ultimate Theatre Kid. MaCinsea, or Seas as they like to be called has been acting in musicals and plays since they were four and they have been nominated for a Tony for their work in the musical Matilda. They are incredibly skilled in all areas of Theatre.

Oceara Grace, Ultimate Figure Skater. She has been skating since she was two and has competed for Canada in the Winter Olympics. She has also competed in several competitions around the world and has several gold medals to show for her dedication. She is especially fond of her cousin and completely loyal to her.

Catrin Morinozuka, Ultimate Weeb. The cousin of Oceara and a total nerd. She has been reading manga since the age of three and also has dedicated her entire existence to anime and manga and learning everything she can about the stuff she reads and watches.  She is the most protective person of Oceara due to her being a total airhead.

Hallie Brindle, Ultimate Illustrator. Hallie comes from a prominent family of manga and book illustrators and has been drawing ever since she could hold a crayon. She loves to illustrate her own comic books and draw characters from the books she reads. She has won several awards for her illustrations and is incredibly proud of her accomplishments.

Dahlia Ikasu, Ultimate Perceptionist. Ever since she can remember she has been incredibly perceptive and noticed every detail about everything. In her previous school she was known for her incredible attention to detail and ability to find things. 

and Ochaku Damasu, Ultimate Prankster. Even from a young age Ochaku has been obsessed with tricking others. She has the uncanny ability to know exactly how to fool someone from the moment she lays eyes on them. She has been a huge fan of Fred and George Weasley ever since she was 5 and watched Harry Potter for the first time, absorbing all of their shenanigans like a sponge.

Ochaku's twin sister, Misato, sauntered up alongside her, not even worried about the scandalous clothing she was wearing. After all, she was an Ultimate level Lover. She'd never cared much for those she was with, but she made it a fun game. She knew just how to get someone to fall for her dirty little lies, and steal their hearts before ripping them out. Sometimes... Literally.

Late at night, almost morning, the Ultimate Hunter, Luka Lavender, approached the school. He never really had many friends, his hunt the only form of entertainment he had. He'd never admit it, but he got lonely. He knew anybody and everybody's weak spots, where he could really get them. And criminals? Don't worry about disguises or aliases, he knows who you are.

Aiko Ongaku was excited to go to Hopes Peak, hoping (pun intended) to make some new friends. She'd never expected to make it here, only an Ultimate Songwriter. She spent most of her time watching the people and events around her, writing about it in her songs. It never took her long to write one of her musical pieces, or learn it on her favorite electrical guitar, her current record being only ten minutes and twenty two seconds.

Thirteen. That's how old the child prodigy, Rhys Inazuma was. Even so, they were an Ultimate Biologist. Biology had come easy to them, as they went to their father's work on a near daily basis. Even when they were a child, they could remember anything and everything they were told about living organisms. Especially humans...

Finally, up came Thomas Gae. Ultimate level GAY. Yes, gay has to be in all caps. It was something interesting to be, but he was the most kind, accepting, and helpful person you'd ever meet. He'd been told multiple times that he LOOKS gay, radiating the rainbow energy. He didn't mind it, at least grateful that he wouldn't have to worry about trying to turn down girls who asked him out.

Together, these fifteen students would become a part of absolute chaos.

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