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It was at two in the morning that the bright red door to the pleasant condo in Washington Heights swung open into the darkness beyond. Lights stared through the shadows from the door frame, into the world beyond, trying to discern something - anything. She glanced down at the porch, where a little snow-white envelope lay. The paper almost glowed in the light of the faintly gleaming New York sky.

Lights frowned and picked it up, reading the back. It was hers, but there was no return address printed on it, only a name: Dr. Henry Morgan. She had no hope left to hope with, but nonetheless, sudden excitement shot through her when she saw the letter. She closed the door behind her, wandering into the kitchen and flicking on the lights. Silently, she at down at the round kitchen table and began.

Lights opened the envelope carefully, her fingers sliding across the paper as she tore it. She pulled out the folded letter inside, unfurling it, and began to read.

I don't know what you think of me. For once, I have had nothing to hide from a total stranger. I know that when you get this, I will have been gone for several weeks. You will hate me, and it will pass. I'm sorry that I've left you behind, but I know that Jo will take good care of you.

By now, you've had time to ponder your father's death, to ponder the fact that your mother's condition is permanent. The scars caused by Adam's torture run far deeper than the flesh. Do you no still feel its mark? I can only begin to imagine what she must have been through. Love her for who she once was, not who she is now. Take care of her. Help her, as you wish to help others in this world.

I left because I had to, because I was afraid that if I did not leave, Adam's game would continue. It has not. He is a part of the Maverick, the criminal organisation that he forced your mother to become the poster-child of. I have to dismantle it. I have to dismantle his legacy. It may take months, it may take decades. I will not stop until it is done.

Do not mistake my leaving as a final farewell. I will return, even if you are old and grey and dying. You will see me one last time, to know that it is done, or that I need your help beyond measure. Until then, wait. Live. Be happy. Do not be troubled by the past. Let go of everything that has happened and move on.

Until next time.


The End of Lights.
Shadows is the sequel.

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