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        The semi truck rolled down the road at high speeds, gravel flying up and hitting the sides. Skylar Ollivere held the hand of a little boy, who was with her. They didnt know each other, but in the last hours as they were driven to the death camp in the dark, they needed all the comfort they could get. 

     Ten to twenty dolls and puppets were in the trailer of the vehicle, and they all had stopped crying long before then. It was pitch black, the only light coming from the bottom of the door of the trailer. Faint voices of humans came from the from of the vehicle, laughing and talking merrily.  Skylar shook her head. How awful of the humans to treat them like they did, and then be jolly as they were sent to their deaths. She banged on the wall between her and the humans driving. 

     ¨SHUT UP¨ She yelled. The voices went silent. Her eyes widened. This was it. She had sentenced them to death sooner. She felt the eyes of the other children on her, they were furious. The drivers got out of their compartment, and Skylar held her breath as they came closer and closer to the back.

      BANG. There was an explosion, followed by the trailer being thrown hundreds of feet into the air and the children screaming as they fell to the ground. Skylar held her head as she soared through the air. They crashed into the ground and Skylar groaned. Only a few of the children were still conscious, and the door had broken off of the trailer, blinding them with sunlight. In the distance they could see the flaming wreckage of the drivers compartment, and in the fire the burning corpses of the drivers. 

    Skylar heard voices and running feet. She held her breath, thinking it was a firing squad, here to kill them. She felt something wet on her forehead and put her palm to it, her hand came off red and bloody, she felt a little light headed and the world started to sway lightly. She fell on the floor and weakly looked at the entrance of the trailer, her eyes struggling to stay open. She saw feet, ten or twenty pairs. They entered the trailer and started carrying children out, some looked like paramedics. Skylar looked up at one of the people in the trailer weakly.

   ¨W-Who are You?", She asked, her voice weak. The person kneeled down, and Skylar noticed a tattoo of the letter. It was a tattoo that all Puppets and Dolls got when they were born. The person picked her up and started carrying her out. 

    ¨I'm like you.¨

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