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My name is Samantha Hursling, I grew up in the minimalist country side of Wigginsville. My family never believed in the big city, make up, or working as a somebody.

They always said, "you live this life as a pig, they fatten you up with food and love and cut you up. You are all for yourself, dolly."

Then as I grew up I noticed I was smarter than anyone else, smart enough to move to the city. They say the people in New York make it big, and some day I will be a somebody.

August 17, the day I turned 20. I gave myself a birthday present and scheduled a flight to New York City. On the flight I decided to wear something similar to the models I would see in Vouge or Allure. I told my family I was going to New York to see my distant cousin Kelly. She was known to be a success in our family; always known to be one who made the big bucks. I knew Kelly would be a good person to stay with and she would be more than willing to help me start off my career, in fashion or cosmetology.

On the plane I sat in a window seat and in spite of my luck,I had to sit next to a creepy old man who would always try to touch me every time I had squeeze by to use the restroom. Occasionally he would "accidentally" set his hand on my leg, when he tried to set it on the arm rest. I got so irritated with this harassment, my patience was wearing thin, I couldn't wait until we landed.

As we landed I got off the plane , my instinct suggested I act snobbish. Therefore, I did, I approached the receptionist at the help center to ask for a map.

Her hair was blonde and her lipstick was red like a crisp red delicious apple. Her outfit was pressed and she looked professional.

"Where can I find a map?"

"it's over there" she spat as she popped her gum and continued to gawk at the fairly handsome man across the airport.

I rolled my eyes and snatched the map. Just as I exited the airport I called out for a taxi.

The man driving the taxi glanced at me and asked "where to" without a second glance.

I threw my luggage into the back seat and gave him the address to Kelly's apartment. As we arrived the streets weren't as nice as she described, in fact the streets were covered with trash and the alleys were calling for crime. I paid the cabbie and went up to Kelly's apartment, as I knocked I waited patiently. She opened the door in her pink robe with smeared day old make up.

She gave me a hug, "Sammy! It's been so long. You look nice!"

I hugged her back and told her she looked nice -although she didn't- she invited me in and showed me to my room. Appalled at the sight of her place I observed my surroundings. Her living room floor was covered in clothes and the kitchen was full of day old food. Surprisingly, my room was spotless.

I set my bags in my room and I sat onto her couch. The window was open and on her glass coffee table were three lines of cocaine with a razor right next to them.

"Kelly!" I screamed

She ran out of her room with only her black bra and lace red thong on.

"What!?" she said with concern.

I pointed to her coke and she sat down next to me, still with no clothes on.

"It's just been so hard. I quit my job because it wasn't paying enough and this attractive man offered me a good job. It paid so good I was rolling in money. All I had to do was meet a guy, and give him a good fuck. Honestly, coke makes me feel like I can do those things and still feel okay."

I was astonished in what Kelly did to herself. She was so smart, she has such potential to do well in life; what the fuck happened to her? My mind was so clouded by the thought, I was becoming upset and infuriated I just had to leave. I got up to tell Kelly that I would be back later and left her mess of a home with disgust.

I made my way out of her apartment and just kept walking down the street until I ran into a diner. I sat down in a booth and asked the waitress for a cup of coffee. After she brought the coffee, an attractive man walked in and he sat at a booth not too far from me. I was eyeing him quite often, and when he would glance at me from time to time I would look at my cup or take a sip of coffee.

He finally got up and walked over to my table  "ma'm may I?" he motioned toward the seat across from me, I nodded in approval.

"You are a very pretty young lady, what do you do?"

I flushed a rosy pink and answered "thank you uh- mr."

"Mr.McCarthy" he filled in.

I continued "I just moved and I don't work quite yet."

He pondered a moment and I continued to fill the silence "what do you do for work?"

He cleared his throat "Ms.-"

"Hursling" I promptly added.

He began again and added on "yes, Ms.Hursling, I work a private business, and I prefer a pretty girl like you would not associate with it.

"I contemplated that a moment while I drank my coffee.

"Well Mr.McCarthy, what is it that your business does? I would like to know, considering I might be interested."

He swirled his finger around his mug as if he was contemplating whether he should tell me or not.

He took one last sip of coffee and said "i'm sorry Ms.Hursling, but I have to go."

He got up from the booth and said his goodbyes "very nice meeting you," his blue eyes glistened as he brushed his wavy brown hair back with his hand before straightening out his suit jacket. He then swiftly made his way out the door.

I sat in the booth a while longer before I finished my coffee. I asked the waitress for the check and she said it was all paid for, so I decided to leave her a tip.

It was 7:30pm now and the day has changed to night. I forgot my way to Kelly's apartment considering I just went into the closest diner. I was walking down the sidewalk before I passed an alley in which I witnessed a blonde woman being shoved against a wall and thrown into the back of a car.

Trying to keep calm I kept walking before I noticed the next two blocks had a nonexistent street light. I wasn't quite sure where to go, but I kept on walking.

I was walking in the dark, before I stepped in a wide crack and lost my heel. I turned around to grab it, as I slipped it on I kept my gaze forward. I was just about to continue walking before a man knocked me over the head and caught me as I lost consciousness. His hand was over my mouth his gentle assuring voice whispered into my ear, "shhh, you're going to be ok."

AN: I'm sure I kept you curious and on your toes! Comment your favorite parts and take a guess as to what will happen next! Thanks for reading xx

Lipstickजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें