Pansy Parkinson

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At the next day, madam Pomfrey was meet me with headmistress name McGonagall. She was talking about my shift body. "Hey girl, I know you was switch with Pansy body. " McGonagall say. " Huh?! You know? OMG, your a first person who trust me! " Said me with a tearing. " Actually you are the third person who switch someone body in this school. It's because I'm trust you. Anyway, I will help you to go back. " McGonagall said. "Ouh, thank you!" Madam headmistress. "Your welcome, but it made long time to do the poition, you must wait in half year. I'm sorry. " Said her. "Oh..., I'm understand. I will waiting. Thank you again." I said with tear.

Yeah, that hurt. You know, I must wait to half year. Well, it's fine. Maybe I will take some memories in Hogwarts. Well at the day, after meet McGonagall, it my first time to in class position, Astronomy, DADA and more.

And suddenly, someone calling me(pansy). "Hey, pansy! You gonna to be in class already?" Ask him. "Yeah" reply me. "Wait!, what is your name? " Ask me. "Oh yeah, I forgot to say to you. My name is Vincent Cabble. This is Gregory Goyle, your friends." Said him
Yeah, Cabble. Faster! Draco is waiting us." Said Goyle. "Wait! Who is Draco?" I'm asking again. " Oh well, there you're! " Say Draco. "Why you three so late? I'm was finish my breakfast. Say him again. " Well, sorry Draco. We just get acquainted with pansy. You know that, she losting memory." Said Cabble in laugh. "Hey, I'm not lost my memory! " I interrupted their conversation. "Well,who admits that she lost memory? Right guys? " Said Draco. "Okay, that funny. Please shup up, I want to eat." Said me. "Oh okay, our friends want too eat, so let's waiting she before she doesn't know what subject in the next class." Said Draco in laugh. "Oh, your heart is so kind! I never know you worries about your best friend." Said Goyle. "It's because Madam McGonagall! She knew we're best friend, so you must follow me okay?" Said Draco. "Oh, thank you for the information. I will follow you." Said me.

After finish the breakfast, we were going to DADA class with Professor Lupin.

"Hello everyone, today we gonna learn one spell. It's call RIDDICULUS. Do someone know what the meaning? Said Professor Lupin. Someone raised hand and say the answer. " It's mean, that is humorous to the caster, thereby counteracting the Boggart's ability to terrorise. Boggarts are defeated by laughter, so forcing them to assume an amusing form is the first step to defeating them."said the clever girl. "Wow, well done miss Ranger. Okay, can someone give example about this spell? " Ask Professor Lupin. No one want to answer the question except the clever girl, Hermione Ranger. "Oh, no want to answer my question, sorry miss Ranger, but I see miss Parkinson want to answer it." Said him. Oh no, I'm very nervous! I'm trying to fine the answer in the book quickly. " Em, I think, this spell is to help us to solve problems in self -fear. Like a phobia. It's mean the biggest fear on yourself. On this page, it says 'when the kite meets our fears, do this spell. It will turn into something funny.' Maybe this is a way to calm down from our fears".im trying to answer the question. Everybody was shocked. Everyone look at me with a feeling of utter, and Hermione with anyonging face. "Oh my! Well done Miss Parkinson. You answer my question with your opinion. That the great answer. 10 point for Slytherin! " Say professor Lupin with praise me. Someone say, " Nice pansy, you did it! " . I'm just smile and no say anything. I'm just feel weird . Maybe it was, pansy doesn't answer with the opinion? I'm confused.

After that he teach we how to use the spell, and what ever.......... (Just like a teacher teach they students)

Then, after the class, finally it have time to break! I was very hungry after the class. Draco, crabble ,goyle and me walk to great hall to get some food. We have a sit then. Suddenly I saw the girl who gives me anyonging face with two boy. I think they are best friends. "Well someone get jealous of you huh?" Said Draco. "Yeah I think so. " Reply me "I think she doesn't like who reply an answer. " My guess. "You know, Ganger is the best student in here. She always wanted to win. That why she have friends with Potter and Weasley." Said Draco. "Potter? You mean Harry Potter? Ask me. " How do you know? You just lost your memories!" Said Cabble. "Um, l just guess. I heard his name already." Said me (actually I'm lying) "I want to say sorry with her" I said again. " Huh? Are you kidding me? A Slytherin are never say sorry for someone! You must learn from me!" Said Draco. "Yeah" Goyle and Cabble said concurrent.

Whatever, I must say sorry to her. I'm just not hearing what they say. They just being the bad boy. But I still trust them because they are my first friend. After eating meal, I'm go to library and stalking Hermione. I'm braveing myself to Hermione.

"Hi Hermione" Said me in nervously. "Oh you, miss Parkinson. What do you want? I'm busy. Please go away." Said her. "Em, actually I want to apologize. I'm sorry if you mad at me." Say me. "What?! A Slytherin give me apologize? How pity are you?" Hermione reply. I'm just shut up my mouth. "Oh hey, don't crying. I'm just shocked! I'm sorry" Said Hermione. "I'm not crying! I'm just sad." Reply me. " Hahahaha! Just say it you want to be my friend. " Said Hermione. "Em, do you know my plan? " I asking her. "Actually I'm just guess. Okay, let's study together. " Said Hermione. "Okay! " I'm reply her with a smile.

At the day, we start to being friendly. I didn't tell draco about this. Maybe because I don't want he (ceramah kat orang) .

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