A sinner's pleading

4 2 2

Innocent smiles

perfect family

Perfect life

Who wouldn't be thankful?

The happiest and peaceful life

anyone could wish for

I'm glad I have this

I wish this stays the same

But tragedy came and ripped the perfect life

My beloved died

my children too

no more smiles, just suffering

My riches gone

My friends left me

I'm all alone now

Trying to survive

Rich or poor

I stole from them to live

Innocent or not

I killed them to survive

I need wealth

greed is taking over

I need help

someone please free me

I was once an innocent man

but tragedy and despair tapped my shoulders

turned me into a monster

this is the path I took

I'm just a sinner

I need no forgiveness

I don't need any aid

This is my fate, just suffering

Suffering in hell

I would want to beg to be free

but it's too late 

I've accepted this fate long ago

Dancing with the devils

They were laughing at me

I'm just a fool

In the end I'm just a toy

Man this one does not make any sense at all lmao

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