{1} Nightmares

76 5 48

Note: haha not a long note here, just saying Nitsuke is 7


It's a brand new day! Time for new adventures! Going from rock to rock, swimming in the lake, looking for seeds!

Nitsuke grinned happily as she buckled up her boots, making sure to put the buckle past the third hole. She hummed to herself as she hopped down the stairs to her parents.

"Mother? Father?"

Father set the book he had been reading down. He smiled at Nitsuke whereas Mother pushed her glasses up her nose the same way Nitsuke does. Her mother sighed. "Nitsuke. Why are you up so early?"

Nitsuke gulped and said, "Oh, um...c-can I go outside and explore before eating breakfast?" Mother started to say no, but Father said, "Of course, Nitsuke! Just remember, never go into the big river, and come back in half an hour!" Nitsuke squealed and ran to Father, planting a kiss on his cheek, then Mother's, and quickly went outside. She walked to the little stream with the stepping stones and danced on them.


"Father, what's suicide?"

"Ah, Nitsuke, where did you get that from?"

"From a book."

"Can you show me the book?"

"Okay, here you go!"



"Father, you never told me what suicide was."

"It's doing something bad to yourself."


"Hey Father?"

"Yes, Nitsuke?"

"How do you make a book?"

"With paper."

"How do you make paper?"

"You use sugar cane."

"How do you make sugar cane?"

"You don't make sugar cane, you harvest it."

"I'm gonna go harvest some sugar cane!"

"Oh no you're not, you're going to eat dinner!"


Nitsuke yawned. "Mother! I don't want to read this!"

Mother sighed. "It's only two pages. Anyway, you read a lot of your own books. What's the difference?"

"Well, I like my own books!"

"These books are fun, too!"

"No they're not."

"Just read."

Nitsuke huffed. Stuff about redstone is soooo boring! She put her attention back onto the book, Redstone for Dummies.

Of course she was mad, by the way. She was not a dummy.


Dear diary,

Yawn...I'm so tired! Today Mother made me read books about redstone—so boring! I got yelled at for falling asleep...twice...

I learned a new word today: suicide. It's doing something bad to yourself.

Anyway, right now it's 10:26 and it's really dark...I'm reading with my lantern! I was reading a comic called "War and Peas" which I found buried in the bookshelf, I think it's Mother and Father's, but it's really weird and has words in it which I don't know...that's why I switched back to one of the books a human wrote, it's call the wizard of oz and it's so cool! I'm up to the part with the monkeys and the wicked witch being melted with water...

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