The person I Admire

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Ever since I was a little kid a very important person in my life changed my world. This person is my older sister who spent a long part of her life caring about how others, forgetting to care for herself.  She was scared to express herself and always over-worked herself to get straight A's. Because of this, she started having panic attacks and severe anxiety. Every time she did homework or anything for school she always worked till she felt it was perfect. But, no matter what, I looked up to her. She was who I wanted to be. She was smart, selfless and caring, but most importantly she was always there for me. When I fell down she was there to pick me up. Whenever I was sad, she would give me a hug and tell me it's ok. Even when I hated her for something she did, I've never loved someone the way I love her. She taught me to be confident, strong willed, and unique. She taught me that no matter how people see you they're just thoughts, they can't control you. You are perfect the way you are. You're scars make you who you are. That no matter what happens, never change who you are. You are incredible. It doesn't matter how old you are, how you look, what your inner demons are or your past. You are special, and even if you don't see it others do. Lift others up and be strong. Be a light for other girls struggling with self-image, and never forget to keep trying, no matter what.

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