First time at hogwarts

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Emily was not like other girls🥺🥺 she had blonde hair. The only blonde in the entire school..... she had oceans in her beautiful blue eyes🥺🥺🥺 and big ass boobs with a giant phat ass🥺🥺 she was 2'13 and weighed 7 pounds.. Emily was a transfer student from state farm school of witchcraft and wizardry to Hogwarts. 

She was walking in the great hall. Everyone starring at her. In fact not just starring throwing food at her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She fell to the floor from an apple being thrown at her because she was so small. 🥺🥺🥺
"G-g-g-guys p-p-please s-stop" she said. No one stoped, in fact a 6'9 platinum blonde dude with blue orbs as eyes came up to her and threw a pie in her face.
"You filthy mudblood" the mysterious man said
"This is my fight song" Emily sang as she got up and ran up to the slytherin corridor in tears. She went straight to the girls dorm and looked in the mirror. Her eyes were not blue like the ocean in fact they were red like blood. She felt something in her body that was.....unfamiliar. She felt anger.... She was angry. She was so angry that she felt as if she could turn into a wolf. As she thought about that her body got even smaller she was on the floor now her clothes that she was just wearing were right by her. She looked at her hands.... or.... what she thought were her hands..... She stood up and looked in the mirror. She. Was. A WOLF!!!!! She had thought this would be a great chance and go back into the great hall to get revenge on everyone! Especially that mysterious Blonde guy. She headed into the great hall. Once she got there everyone started screaming. She went straight to that mysterious man. Once she got to him Emily looked at him up and down with her fiery red eyes.

"And I still got a lot of fight left in me!!!" She sang right before she bit into his flesh and ate him. 🥺🥺🥺🥺Once she was finished she wiped her mouth and transformed back into her normal self. Everyone looked at her in fear. She heard the mysterious man say "its killed meh! Its killed me!" She smiled at the sound of him. She headed back to the common room and thought to herself. 'that mysterious man was kinda cute.' 🥺🥺🥺Emily started to worry if she actually did kill him. 'I couldn't have. All I did was bite of his 17 inch dick' 😫🥺🥺💃She thought as she walked into her dorm.

Emily got ready for bed in her lingerie that showed he big tits and ass. She layed down and fell asleep🥺🥺🥺

Just like I said. Emily is not like other girls.....🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺

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