Everything Will Be Okay

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"Please get up! We need to get home now!"

The last thing Alex wanted was to be there, pulling and calling his boyfriend, desperately trying to convince him to leave the damn bar and go back to their house.

The bartender looks at them behind the bar, the man so drunk he almost loses consciousness and the boy who insistently tugs on his arm, trying to force him to get up from the bench, despite the silhouette of an advanced pregnancy that gives the impression he should be anywhere else but in a bar tussling with a drunken man.

The boy exhales a shaky breath, wiping a hand over his face as groans softly, holding Schlatt's arm with the other, having already paid his extensive bill and hoping to convince him to get out of there already. "Schlatt, please get up now, I need to go home."

Alex knows he could just leave him and walk off the local, he knows he could have not even bothered to come in the first place, but the fear that what happened months ago could repeat itself makes him insistent to the unresponsive man. After he had let him stay out all night drinking, and Schlatt almost accidentally killed himself on the way back, Alex is paranoid, he doesn't want to wake up to the news that his baby's father killed himself from wandering intoxicated afterwards leaving the bar.

After several minutes of arguing with someone who doesn't seem to even recognize him, the man seems to finally respond. Or at least react, lifting his head and blinking away to clear his drowsy sight.

"Schlatt," He calls out to him, resuming his struggle to try to straighten him up. "Let's go home, please."

He gives the first sign of listening to him, or at least of wanting to leave, leaning on the bar to try to stand clumsily. The boy rushes to put his arm behind his head once he stands on both legs, making Schlatt support his weight on Alex to prevent him from collapsing and help him walk out of that place. Alex can only dream this will be the last time he has to do this, as he always does whenever he is forced to repeat this weekend routine, occasionally having to do it on weekdays as well.

Schlatt's steps are slow and heavy, constantly stumbling and making the boy huff with the effort of carrying the weight of both of them, even more with his pregnancy making the task harder in the worst way. Alex impatience tonight is even more justified than usual, as contractions have been wracking his body since that morning, when he woke up with Schlatt yelling at him about something banal and from there they had continued to wear him down all day, as he felt the labour progress and drain his energy, both physical and emotional.

The boy hisses as he walks, feeling even more discomfort with each step he takes through the empty and barely lit streets. Alex just wants to get to their house and be finally able to lay down, try to sleep next to his partner because he has school tomorrow and he needs to rest.

He grimaces when the man next to him begins throwing up without warning, finally coming to a halt to avoid walking into the gross puddle in front of them. A particularly intense contraction forces a few tears out of his eyes, feeling the baby writhe in his womb. Alex tries to compose himself quickly when he hears a motorcycle coming down the road behind them.

A man wearing a helmet stops next to the couple, and the boy is grateful that his boyfriend is no longer spewing out alcohol on the sidewalk. Alex can't see the man's eyes through the helmet, due to the darkness, but from the tone in which he addresses them Alex can think that the man has no ill intentions.

Everything Will Be Okay - Schlatt x QuackityWhere stories live. Discover now