The Book of You and I

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during their second year of high school ~

Karasuno has just finished practice for the day, they cleaned up their gym before they left. the sun was drooping out of the sky. the evening air was fresh, the cool breeze of the upcoming summer went by the boys as they walked out the double doors.

Hinata rushed to Kageyama, the shorter boy seemed nervous though he hid it under lots of excitement. hinata was jumpy, as usual, kageyama struggled to figure out what the short boy wanted to say. after a few minutes of them just standing in front of the second gym, hinata finally spoke up,

"go out with me, kageyama!" it was very straightforward, hinata didn't beat around the bush for this, but he continued, "I really like you, okay? I have since uhm .. maybe our first year? doesn't matter! go on a date with me!" Kageyama could only blink owlishly as he stared down at the demanding boy. Hinata did not give the taller boy the chance to respond, "meet me at Coach's store, alright? I hope I see you there!" the ball of energy exclaimed before he ran off. 

Kageyama couldn't process what had happend. it was such a shock he couldn't even stammer out words, he was practically frozen in place. a hand fell onto his shoulder as someone leaned close to him, "won't let him down, right?" Tanaka. his voice almost sounded threatening, it almost terrified Kageyama if he wasn't already used to Tanaka's threatening behavior. "at least go, if you're going to reject him do it nicely," Nishinoya popped up suddenly beside Kageyama,

"or your upperclassman are gonna have to beat you up," Nishinoya stated, puffing out his chest as he crossed his arms across his chest. Kageyama knew it wasn't meant as a serious threat, but he felt that if he hurt Hinata in any way either Hinata himself will do something or Nishinoya and Tanaka would. nothing serious of course, it wasn't like romantic relationships were that important when they had volleyball to focus on. as long as it doesn't affect how Kageyama and Hinata work together, there wouldn't be a problem.


few months later, Kageyama and Hinata got together properly after a few dates. their bond become better as they dated. they improved a lot during their time together. though, after graduation it wasn't so pretty. Hinata and Kageyama couldn't be together all the time if they wanted to continue their volleyball career. Hinata started trying other setters, he was practicing with other volleyball players, other teams. it got to the point where Hinata was bored of playing with Kageyama, the shorter boy wasn't his former self. Hinata no longer felt that spark with Kageyama. the two barely spent time together, Hinata was always off somewhere.

Kageyama was alone. he would fall asleep on an empty bed, Kageyama hated that. he worked fine with other players now, he did practice with other's since Hinata wasn't around anymore. but, Kageyama still wanted to see Hinata excited to spike his toss. it hurt when Kageyama didn't see Hinata jumping up to hit the ball. Hinata always seemed so happy when he returned to their house, but .. the guy didn't fit in anymore. Hinata had found a new home. a home with someone he still enjoyed being around, Kageyama knew that. Hinata was always rambling about his knew favorite setter. it really hurt.

eventually, Hinata didn't return anymore. it had been weeks, Hinata would usually be back within 2-3 days. Kageyama hasn't seen him in 4 weeks. when the 5th week began, Hinata was back, not because he missed Kageyama.

"this isn't working out," Hinata had stated, he avoided Kageyama's gaze. if Hinata had looked up, he would see the pain in those blue eyes. the eyes he used to admire for hours, he would compliment randomly. Hinata used to love having those eyes on him. "it's different now, I .. I don't think I can continue with you. you're dragging me down," that hurt the most to hear. Kageyama couldn't say anything. Hinata had walked into their room, he came out with a suitcase that now contained all his remaining items. most of Hinata's stuff was mostly at his new home.

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