2. The phone call

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My head ache when I first woke up was horrific, pounding into my temple with no remorse. Now that I have drunk tea and had a nibble of toast, it has resolved to something minor and apparently adaptable. Images flashed through my mind as I searched for most remembrance of last night, hoping to get pieces back but I did have some.

A man--

Gabriel Russo.

Then Sam.


Sam tried to touch me last night, the feeling of his hand squeezed in-between my thigh was a fact I didn't want to remember, nor I would want to feel again. But Gabriel's hand felt rough but so soft together, it was something that could make a girl melt. Including me.

His voice played over and over in my mind, the feeling of his breath lingering over my face, and the sweet smell of his cologne.

I was interrupted harshly as Sasha came bursting through my apartment door, I'm currently second guessing giving her that key. "GIRL!"

I giggle, "Hi Sasha, what a pleasant surprise."

She looks me up and down, but she doesn't seem to be as hungover as I am, even though she drank more than me. Maybe it is because of how small her body is, absorbent to every fucking thing. She is small but fierce, I'd say the same thing about me but I wouldn't consider myself small, more so curvy in all the right areas.

"Yeah well, I knew you would need some aspirin because I raided your cabinet last time we got drunk."

I smiled, "I love you."

She smiled in sync with me, "Love you more."

I grab the bottle of aspirin from her hand, "Impossible."

She laughed, also in her hand was a piece of paper, gleaming with black ink. "What's that?"

She followed my eyes down to the paper, "Ooh- I got this sexy guy's number last night, but- he said it was for you."

My mind falters, Who? Could it be Gabriel? Maybe another man staring me down?

"Who and What did he look like?"

She questioned the face I held onto, almost complete bliss if it was who I thought it to be. "His name was Arbriel or Gabriel-- somewhere along those lines. He had brown hair, brown eyes, tan-ish skin and a stunning body."

She wriggled her eyebrows playfully, "Yep, that's Gabriel."

She then looked at me again, holding a confused look, "You know him?"

I paused, "Yes and no, we met last night after--"

Should I continue? Should I let her know what Sam had tried to do with me? Could I be certain she wouldn't kill anyone.

"After?" she asked but when I didn't respond because of thoughts I was wrapped up with, she shook her head and continued to speak, "But did you see what happened to Sam? He was covered in bloodied bruises, they don't know who did it but there saying it could be close to a murder if he died at the hospital."

My heart skips a beat, did Gabriel do that to him, he literally admitted it to me, the words flashed through my mind again.

"It's alright, I showed him a few things about not touching women without their verbal consent."

I would have smiled, but then I tried piecing together images of Sam, bruised, laying in a hospital bed. This is bad, really bad, what if Sam tries to say who it was, maybe it wasn't even Gabriel--but the evidence added up.

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