Oisuga~My Kitten~ ☁✨

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Suga will be a half cat in this one shot! Since it would be so cute!!!

Anywho one to the one shot!-----------------------------------------------------------

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Anywho one to the one shot!

~°Oikawa's Pov°~
'Its raining lucky I have my umbrella'
I took out my umbrella and started to walk home. As I was walking, I walked past a box and stopped. I walked back to see what it was. I kneeled down and looked into the box and saw a Silver Cat, it was shivering. I looked around no one was around.
'You poor thing' I put my umbrella over the box as I did the cat looked up at me. I moved my hand forward to let the cat sniff my hand.
"I won't hurt you I promise. How about I take you home?" I said/asked. The cat smelled my hand then let out a meow. I smiled as I picked up the cat. I unzip my jacket and put the cat in so it would be warm, then zipped the jacket back up. The cat let its head out and meowed. I smiled again and stood up walking home.

Arriving Home°~
I walked up to the door and took my key out as I unlocked the door and opened it. I closed the door behind me as I closed my umbrella and put it down and took off my shoes. I walk towards the living room. I sat down on the couch and unzipped my jacket and grabbed the cat and put it down onto the couch as I got up and walked towards the bathroom. As I walked into the bathroom I grabbed a towl and walked back. As I got back the cat Meowed happily. I sat back down and grabbed the cat drying its silver fur. As I was done I took the towel off the cat and stood up walking back to the bathroom and put the towel in the basket. I walked to the kitchen and luckily I had some cat food since my older sister had a cat and didn't take everything. I got out a bowl and put the cat food in it. As I turned around I saw the silver cat had walked over to me as I put the bowl down onto the floor. I smiled at seeing that the cat was eating. I decide to make something for myself to eat.

~°After eating°~
I walked to my room with the cat following me. I opened the door and right Away plopped onto my bed. I then heard something jump up on bed and meowed. I turned around to look at the cat and start to pet it. The cat purred. I slowly start to fall asleep as i did the cat curled up to me.

~°In the morning°~
I yawn slowly opening my eyes as I look around I looked deside me and saw a boy.
'Huh?' I finally notice.
"E-Eh?! AHH!" I yelled as I fell off the bed which made the boy flinch and wake up.
"Ouch" I said.
"Are you ok?!" The boy asked.
I looked up.
"Who are you?!" I asked. The boy looked at himself.
"Oh! I'm that cat you saved yesterday!" The boy said.
"Wait- WHAT!" I said shocked.
"But how?!" I asked.
"Im Shape Shifter so that means I can turn into a cat or into this form" The boy said.
"Oh i see. Do you have a family or place to go?" I asked. The boy shakes hes head no.
"I do not" The boy said. He looks sad.
'This is sad'
"Do you have a name?" I asked as I stand up and sat on the bed looking at him.
"Sugawara Koushi! How about you?" The boy said.
"Its nice to meet you! Can i call you Suga? Oh and im Tooru Oikawa!" I said.
"Its nice to meet you to! And sure! Can I call you Kawa?" Suga said.
"Of course!" I said with a smile.
"Would you like to stay with me Suga?" I asked. I could see Sugas eyes beam brightly.
"Yes! I would love to! Thank You Thank You!!" Suga said as he jumped onto me hugging me.

~°Years Later°~
Its been a couple of years since Suga came into my life and to be honest I'm glad he did. He taught me a lot about the world and I did the same thing for him. For awhile now ive been feeling different around him but in a good way. I knew what these feelings were and that I have fallen in love with him. But i don't know if he feels the same way. I was scared to confess but i knew I had to before anything else happens.

As leaned back into the chair and was looking up at the ceiling thinking of a way to confess. I decided to take off my glasses and put them on the desk.
"Ok I got this" I said to myself. I started thinking of a great plan.

After weeks of planning for this it was time, time to confess. I waited till near the end of the day and took suga to the spot.

"Wow! So pretty!" Suga said his eyes sparkle

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"Wow! So pretty!" Suga said his eyes sparkle. I looked over at him with a smile. He looked at me.
"So why did you bring me out here for kawa?" Suga asked.
"Well I been wanting to tell you something" I said nervous.
"What is it?" Suga asked as his tail flicks.
"Well suga for the time we known each other these past months I've been feeling something in me that I have to tell you so, Suga I like you more then a friend" I confessed looking at him blush slightly on face. He was looking straight back at me as he hugs me tightly and his tail wagging pretty face. I was shocked by the hug.
"I like you to Kawa!" Suga said happily.
"Really!" I said.
"Mhm!" Suga said.
"Then will you be my boyfriend?" I asked.
"Yes!" Suga said smiling.

We then looked at each other and leaned in for a kiss which was sweet and gente. We were both happy.
We both pulled away after a bit.
"I'm glad I meet you Suga" I said forehead against his.
"I'm glad to" Suga said. We stayed in each others embrace.

The end 💜

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2023 ⏰

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