Life's Splendor

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Life is mans greatest joy. 

Life is under appreciated because we think we have time. 

Time is not on our side. 

The memories of in-between are taken for granted. 

Perhaps there is a greater being--a god. 

Perhaps not. 

Regardless of if you believe in god, there is a plan. 

A fate. 

We are the masters of our fates--we decide how we go forward. 

Written on February 7, 2021

Listen, I know that this is REALLY short, but this actually is not at all how I intended it to go. I actually had half a plan forming in my mind, but this is what came out instead. 

Again, I am not religious, and I do not want to start arguments involving religion. I respect all religions, and this poem should not be taken to heart nor should you take offense. 

This poem does contain a quote that I do not own. 

"We are the masters of our own fates--we decide how we go forward." --Sarah J Maas, Throne of Glass. 

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