The feast

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"Ben where are you?!" The wise old elf hollered as he stumbled over to the elf tree. His knobbly knees were outrageously large and he was bare foot, displaying his grubby feet. Ben hopped down the stairs and the old elf smirked. "Hey Benny why don't you come over here" he gestured to a bush. Ben was resentful. "But wise old elf, last time you tried to kiss me!" Ben said, his eyes wide. "Don't be silly Ben, I was just playing around!" Ben was still reluctant. "Alright fine. You don't have to come to the bushes but I do have a nice surprise for you and your friend Holly!" He clasped the young elves hand and dragged him along the forest floor, where all of Bens teeth were shattered as his face collided with the brambles on the ground.

At last they arrived at the fairy castle. Barging the door down, the older elf stomped up the stairs and into Holly's bedroom. She was grooming her stallion and feeding it kibble. The wise old elf hauled her out of the window and she plundered to the ground causing an almighty crash as all of her bones crumpled from the impact. "Holly are you alright?!" Ben exclaimed, his mascara running down his cheeks from the salty tears he shed. Holly shared no response and her heart was not beating. Ben checked her breathing. She was still and lifeless just like it always should have been. Ben broke away from the act and started to laugh in relief. "Thank you wise old elf! She was starting to get on my last nerve!" Ben sighed. "Oh it was no problem darling rose" the old elf said with desire in his eyes as he stared at Ben up and down.

"W-wise old elf, what are you doing?" Ben said as he backed away from the handsome man. He began to sprint over the mountains but the old elf was nimble and quickly caught up. He reached into his tweed jacket and slid out a lumberjack axe. He started to hit the ground with force, creating a large crater. Ben foolishly tumbled in. "Wise old elf, you can't do this!" Ben screamed. But the wise elf had no choice. He hurtled the axe down and it sliced off Ben's fibula. He began to catapult boulders at the young elf, leaving him collapsed and unconscious. Suddenly, the wise elf dived into his Lelly Kelly satchel and pulled out Suzy. She was wearing a shimmering metallic tankini and exhibited a pair of rose gold bowling boots. She was immediately thrown into the hole and ate Ben alive, as she had not had her daily meal yet!

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