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Okay some people requested an update so here it is :) It'll be sad, but there will be Anakin and Ahsoka sibling love, and I promise no major characters die

Oh and I'm gonna get poetic, because I'm feeling it, so be warned.

That is all, enjoy :)

The war may be over, but the fighting never ceases. There is no way to make this galaxy equal, to make it fair, to make it selfless. One day someone decided they were better, and since then it's never been reversed.

Ahsoka kneeled over the dying man's body. He was bleeding through a blaster hole in his side and one to his shoulder, and when she carefully removed his helmet she saw a drop of crimson liquid leak out of his lips. He was barely holding onto life, gripping at it with everything he had, just so he could fight another day.

The clones had been relieved of duty, but many such as this one had chosen to stay on with the GAR. It was an honorable thing, to die for a good cause, but not an easy one. Ahsoka could only watch as her trooper slipped away. She comforted him as much as she could, holding gently onto his hand, and assuring him that he fought well and would be missed. "What's your name, trooper?" She asked him just loud enough to be heard over the gunfire.

"Chain, general." (Creative license, she's a general now. Idk if you actually have to be in command of a legion to be a general, but we're pretending you don't have to lol)

"Chain, you did good today. And it's just Ahsoka." Chain gave a small nod in acknowledgment.

"At least I died for the cause I believe in." He took a shaky breath in, and a shaky breath out. His eyes rolled back into his head as his hand went limp in Ahsoka's hand.

She had no time to grieve. More men would die if she didn't rejoin the battle, so she closed her eyes, took a breath, and left Chain behind on the battlefield. It was only after they had won their battle and were on a transport back to Coruscant did Ahsoka have time to process. She didn't command her own legion yet, so she had been taking clones from Anakin and Obi-Wan's legions mostly, whenever there were situations like these. Usually however, she didn't need to take anyone with her, for most of her missions were peaceful nowadays.

The newly titled general sat down next to Cody, the commander of the 212th. It was a long ride back, and she usually would have settled for silence, but this time she needed answers. "Cody, did you know a shiny named Chain? Seemed to be new to the legion."

"Chain, pretty quiet kid, but he's pretty well liked among the other troops. He joined a few months back." Cody paused for a moment. "Why?" He knew why. Really, he knew that he had probably died, but he needed to hear it anyway.

"He was shot, died quickly," She said quietly, not turning to face him. She sat tall though, shoulders back. "Yet he still spoke up for his cause with his last breaths. I wish I knew him."

"You would have liked him. He may have been quiet, but he always stood up for others when he was needed." Ahsoka nodded. That was their final conversation, but Cody wrapped an arm around her shoulder. This was usually frowned upon, considering she was a general and his superior, but in that moment she was nothing more than the fifteen year old commander he remembered from the clone wars. Back then they were of equal ranks and they had a fairly good relationship, like her and Rex had. He was her older brother, he may not have known her as well as Rex or the men of the 501st, but he would always be there for her. And right now she was hurting, even if the others couldn't see it, and she needed her older brother.


She drank down her grief like it was the finest red wine. Like it was the purest blood. After a while, you never can tell the difference between pleasure and pain. Not after such a war she was forced to fight in. She thought she was done with fighting, with murder, with battles such as these, but every time she thought it was over another situation came up and the council always seemed to send her, because "she was an amazing warrior during the war." and she could hold her own, she knew all about war. Maybe that's what scared her, how much she knew of fighting.

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