Part 11 // School Work

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Pietro stops running once he reaches Y/n, and they walk to her room together.

"What are we working on first?" Pietro asks. 

"Bruce would like me to do some Math today mostly." Y/n says and Pietro groans. 

"I was never very good at Math..." He says. 

"Well I am so that's ok." Where is this confidence in her coming from. Before she met the twins a couple days ago she never would say things like that. 

"I'm sure you are." Pietro says and then laughs. And Y/n stops walking suddenly. 

"Was that supposed to be sarcasm?" She says crossing her arms. 

"No no. Not at all!" He says but Y/n doesn't really believe him. 

"Yeah right. Okay..." She says walking away, and he laughs and follows. 

They get to her room and Y/n works for a little while. Pietro isn't really much help, he just sits there watching her and when he gets bored he goes over to bother her. 

"Y/n... I'm bored." Pietro whines. "Can we do something else?" 

"If you want to bother someone please go bother your sister." Y/n answers. 

"But Wanda is no fun to bother. She always gets angry and then doesn't talk to me anymore." 

"You are literally acting like a toddler Pietro. Please grow up and go occupy yourself." 

"Can I try and help you with your work?" Pietro asks. 

"Um sure. Didn't you want to do something else like 20 seconds ago?" She says and laughs. 

"I change my mind fast ok." He says as he laughs as well. 

And Y/n starts to show him what she is working on. After a little while of explaining Y/n gives Pietro a little bit of a simpler equation to try and solve alone. He heads to her bed and starts to work on it. 

"Y/n! Y/n! Look!" Pietro exclaims excitedly like a little kid, as he shoves the paper in front of Y/n. 

"Ok. Ok. Let me see." She says and then starts to correct it, and Pietro stares at her right in the eyes but she doesn't realize cause she is so concentrated. "Yeah. Yeah..." 

"So did I get it right?" Pietro asks excitedly. 

"Be patient." She glares at him. "Yeah you did!!" 

"Yay!!!" He gets up and jumps on the bed. 

"That's awesome!" She looks up at him as he is rejoicing from his succeeded equation. How is this dude is so cute? "Ok do you want to do something else now?" 

"Yes!" He says getting down from the bed. "What should we do?" 

"Well it's almost lunch..." Y/n says looking at her watch "Do you wanna go out to eat? We can invite Wanda too." 

He wishes she hadn't said she wanted to invite his sister, but it's ok he will still enjoy himself. "Sure! Great idea." He smiles. 

"Ok great! I'll go find Wanda." And she gets up to go. Pietro just sits there thinking about her. Until Clint comes in. 

"I had a feeling I would find you here." Clint says sitting next to Pietro. 

"Hey Old Man!" The speedster says smirking. 

"You still on that? I'm not old okay!" Clint protest. "Anyway, I didn't come here to be insulted by you."

"Sorry. It's just so easy." Pietro laughs. 

Printsessa✨👑💙 // A Pietro Maximoff x Reader STORYWhere stories live. Discover now