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(I am going to currently edit this and the next chapters)
No one pov)

Bakugo Katsuki was waiting for his manager to show up at this new coffee shop, Katsuki knows not to come early, but he couldn't help it. But if he wanted to get things done faster, he was gonna show up early. Mistake! He waited for an hour and still no sign of Aizawa, so he went into the shop and ordered himself a cinnamon latte and waited inside.

Katsuki looks over and sees his manager finally arrive.

Katsuki huffs "took you long enough ass-hole"
Aizawa rolls his eyes at Bakugo's comment "Bakugo, what did I tell you about using that kind of language?" "Blah blah, people won't want me for the job if I keep cursing, I know, I know!" Aizawa pinches the bridge of his nose, rubbing it in annoyance "so you do remember good then, anyway I found a job for you, and it involves acting"

I look up at Aizawa and give a small smirk, "what's the job?" "Well they are looking for an actor/actress and no one will play one of the main roles it's a TV show written by a director who is friends of Nezu " I nod my head while I sip my drink. It's my first time having a role in acting but if it's boring or dumb I don't want anything to do with it...mm I guess I can "hear" him out first "okay... what's the show about?"

"The show is about 3 kingdoms: there is a human kingdom, dragon kingdom, and dark kingdom. In between the kingdoms is a camp hidden within a forest. The leader is a dragon rider/tamer and the others are the leader's army/friends who protect their leader since the leader in the last known dragon rider/tamer left."

Aizawa waited for Bakugo to let him continue, Aizawa did not want to waste his breath if Bakugo is not interested in the role.

"Go on" Katsuki sighs, Aizawa nod and hastily continued the topic.

"One day the dragon tamer was out hunting, when the tamer noticed that the dark kingdom was trying to take a dragon away to kill it and use its skin as a shield against arrows and swords or something like that, the leader falls in love with the half-dragon and the half-dragon."

"falls in love with the tamer than the dragon and the tamer fight together but when they think they're safe the human kingdom captures the dragon tamer and the kings' son try's to tame the tamer and now the tamer needs to be saved, and the dragon needs to return to help the tamer defer both kingdoms something like that"

I'm so bored that I could fall asleep, "that's a long explanation Aizawa..." I said annoyed, "whatever, do you want to audition or not?" I nod my head "sure why not".

Aizawa nod" okay, so auditions are two days from now they already have the dragon done; I think they have the human kingdom along with the dark kingdom done so that just leaves the Camp and the dragon tamer" I nod again.

"fine, I guess I'll do the tamer" Aizawa pulls out his phone, probably texting the director that I agree to take a roll. "Perfect ill get you the script you just need to remember to practice, and I'll pick you up on auditions day" I nod as Aizawa was about to leave "oh and Bakugou ? make sure not to get into any fights and I mean at least TRY"

I flip him off and watch as he walks away. I turn my hearing aid down, so the noise wouldn't bother me. I grab my coffee and left the shop as well, as I'm walking and minding my business I notice it is already getting somewhat late; jeez time sure flies by when you space out....it was getting late to where shops are lit up by the streetlamps.

I guess I could buy food instead of cooking, I look around for a shop to stop by and grab food. I don't  feel like McDonald's even though their food is somewhat healthy, and the other shops don't look too appetizing.

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