Kei Tsukishima - Headphones

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Kei would always walk around with his headphones, whether he was listening to music at that time or not. Ever since he had a way to listen to music on the go, he would always have his headphones. I hadn't known him before he had them. Tadashi had said that Kei has had the same headphones since middle school.
Kei and I had been together since the summer before 1st year. We had met each other during our 3rd year of middle school due to a group project. Tadashi, Kei, and I had to work together for a semester project. I was able to grow closer with the two and we became friends. I did gain feelings for the blonde though. Tadashi basically forced us to confess to each other when he realized we both had feelings. He wouldn't let us leave the rooftop until we did.
That leads us to now, I became manager for the volleyball team after Kiyoko saw that I was with Kei. She said that if I could handle Kei, then I probably could help her handle the others. I agreed, happy to help and be able to make some new friends with the team.
I was helping to put the net down and close down the gym. Tanaka and Noya were racing to see who could finish wiping the floor down quicker. Kei was helping me out the net down. He put me on his shoulders to untie the top of the net, even though he could've easily done it himself.
As I tried to get off his shoulders, he gripped my legs tighter. "Nooooo you're not getting down yet. You just stay up there," he says to me. I smile and just stay where I am. He continues to walk around and help clean up, which I don't understand how he managed to balance me on top of his shoulders the whole time. He had grown some muscle from volleyball and it showed.
Soon everyone was slowly leaving. Kei, Tadashi and I were the last ones out as I had the keys that day. After locking up the gym and club room, we started to walk home, mindlessly talking about whatever was on our minds.
"Oh Tsuki, your birthday is coming up right? You have any plans this time?" Tadashi questioned. Kei normally only had a small celebration with his family and the two of us. Nothing too big but something to make it enjoyable. "I figured we could just hang out that night and watch movies or something. I have a feeling the team is going to want to do something though. I mean I don't really mind just don't want them to make it a big deal. They probably are gonna use it to throw some kind of crazy party, mainly Tanaka and Nishinoya really." He responded. Kei was just the kind of person who didn't like too crazy of gatherings and I learned that over time. It's true, if all put together, the team could get wild and energetic under the right circumstances, and a party would be one of those.
After hearing this, I slowly thought about how I still needed to get him a gift. It wasn't that I forgot about his birthday, it's just I can't figure out what to give him. He doesn't really say things he wants, he has told me that he feels he doesn't want anything. Even though he says it countless times, I still want to give him something meaningful that he would use and appreciate.
As we continue walking, Tadashi soon broke off as he went home. Kei and I continued to walk to his house. I normally spend the night with Kei, as he helps me study and my parents are more than fine with me spending the night with Kei. Sometimes he comes over to my house if we want a change of scenery.
As we made his way into his room, we grabbed some snacks and hopped on his bed. He laid down and pulled me into his arms. I faced his chest and he rested his chin on my head. Tonight we both didn't feel like studying so I pulled out my book from my bookbag. Sometimes we just would cuddle and do our own things. Kei put his headphones on and started listening to music. After a couple minutes, I felt him shifting around. I looked up and saw that he was messing with the cord of his headphones. "Hey, everything alright?"

He looked at me with a slight frown on his face. "My headphones aren't working. No matter how much I move the cord around the music keeps cutting in and out. It's not working." He sighs in frustration. He takes off his headphones and places them on the bedside table. "You could just play your music without headphones on right now" I suggest. "I mean I can right now, but what about when I'm in school? I can't listen to my music without them. And without my music, how am I gonna study in peace in that loud classroom?" He says with a pout. "I have a pair of earbuds you can borrow? Do you want those?" 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2021 ⏰

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