Alien mothership

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*Trix's pov*
Well, everything went basically downhill for us since training. Miss Granada found us, we were almost captured by the aliens and now we're on on of their ships heading towards the mothership.
"Hey Trix? I need to tell you something."
Wildcard motioned for me to go with him to a corner of the spaceship we were on.
"Ok, so Ojo is an alien."
"What?!" I whisper shouted.
"Yeah, Missy told me in the tunel."
"Hey guys?" Wheels said
"We've landed."
Noodles stretched his head out and signaled to us that the coast was clear. We went out of the spaceship.
"Wait, I know how Miss Granada has found us so easily. Missy your watch works like a tracking device. I need pliers and a heat source to deactivate it."
"I can use my teeth." Guppy said
"And I have the heat source. Heat vision!" Wildcard turned into a toaster.
"Well, at least it's heat related."
After Wheels deactivated the tracker that Miss Granada used. We started tracking Missy's dad's bracelet. But accidentally found a room with a big pyramid in the middle. The president and some other guy were in there talking about the takeover when suddenly....

Wildcard x Trix (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now