One for all pyramid scheme

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Question 1: can you give one for all back to someone who has already had it?
Question 2: how long can you have one for all before you can give it to someone
Question 3: if you gave 2 people a hair at the same time with intent to pass it on to both of them would they both get half the quirk, would it duplicate, or would it fail
Question 4: is the growth rate of one for all a flat time based increase or a percentage of the power in the quirk
Question 5: does the quirk power up from one for all stay after you give it to someone
Question 6: how fast does the quirk move vessels
Question 7: if it is given to two people at the same time and it can be given back, what would happen if you split it and had one of the 2 people give it back to you, would it stop deteriorating and you'd have 2/3 of the power and the other person would have 1/3 or would you just deteriorate slower

For this fic idea the answers need to be
2:6 hours
4:over time
6:1 day
7:2/3 and stop deteriorating

Idea: izuku spreads one for all as a quirk enhancer and it builds up power faster, so that everyone at U.A. has like 0.001 percent of one for all but it boosts their quirks and before Kamino Ward he gets it all back and 1% punches all for one and instantly defeats him

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