DAY 13

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~Day Thirteen~~~~~~~~~~~

It felt like it had only been a moment.

I had been almost running along a path I had never used before, but it felt so familiar, so like it was a way I used each day.

It was irritating, but it also made things easier ... well sort of ...

When I stopped running, I was somewhere else, a place I hadn't seen before ...

The sun was shining brightly, almost making it impossible for me to see anything.

The glowing from the necklace was strong, despite the sunlight.

I heard footsteps and turned, facing Tetsu and Chacha, who looked like they had been running around for hours.

"Apparently the necklace put you in some sort of trace ...", Tetsu stated, trying to catch his breath again.

Chacha just stood next to him, panting.

"Why?", I asked, staring at him. What was he talking about?

"You've been running all night and morning ... it's noon already ..."


Tetsu smiled gently, as he carefully touched the side of the necklace and stroke the shining blue tear.

"Apparently ... you were under some sort of spell, that prevented you from getting tired ...", he stated, looking at me again.

He looked relieved ...

"It seems, the necklace reveals it's true power for you", he then said and gently brushed the back of his hand against my cheek, before he turned to Chacha again, "Think you can go with us? ... No, you stay here"

"But I ...", Chacha started, still unable to breath properly.

"It's safer that way", I told him, and Tetsu nodded. Chacha hesitated, then he nodded as well and allowed himself to sit on the ground, that seemed to be dry and warm.

"I'll wait here then", he told us as he looked up at us,"Be careful, okay?"

"We'll be fine", Tetsu promised.


We wandered through the cave for like half an hour, led only by the light of the necklace, that was apparently getting brighter every second.

It was pushing away the thick darkness that was surrounding us ...

Still it felt like we were moving deeper and deeper into something dangerous ... something we should have never gotten near to. But still we were here ... and we would find and rescue Hideto. Or we would die trying.

"We'll be there soon ... prepare for everything", Tetsu suddenly warned, and I felt him tense behind me.

Only moments after that, we entered a big room, filled with candles.

In the middle of it, there was some sort of stone table. On it, Hideto was lying, covered with a blanket.

I immediately rushed towards him.

"NO WAIT!", Tetsu yelled, but I ignored him.

Then I suddenly ran into something ... no someone.

I was about to fall, when a strong hand grabbed my arm and pulled me up again.

"So ... you're not dead, and here to safe Hideto", a familiar voice stated.

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